Competition Results Archive
This page contains an archive of our older competition results.
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Saturday 30th November 2024 - Single Stableford
WEHGC Trophy
Overall & B Grade Winner - M Fava - 42pts
A Grade Winner -M Flaherty - 36pts c/b
C Grade Winner - M Lee - 39pts
Gross Winner - D McPhie
Ball Rundown
- M Knox
- J O'Donnell
- L Allsop
- E Mackney
- D Ferrier
- R Harvey-Williams
- M McPhie
- P O'Connor
- B Finlay
- P Wall
- Winner - C Youngberry - 39pts
- Runner Up - D Perkins
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd/11th Men - None
- 2nd/11th Ladies - D Perkins
- 5th/14th Men - B Turner
- 5th/14th Ladies - S O'Connor
- 9th/18th Men - J Robinson Jnr
- 9th/18th - Ladies - R Bell
- 12th Pro's Approach - J Perkins
Mystery Cards
- C Hastie
- G Kingdom
Friday 29th November 2024 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner of a Ham - W Legge - 26pts c/b
Runners Up - Winner of Ham - J Robinson Snr - 26pts
Winner of Turkey - J Ferrier - 24pts
Thursday 28th November 2024 - 2BBB Stableford - Men's Vets
Overall Winners
- S Curtin / P O'Connor - 46pts c/b
Ball Rundown
- T Lawler / C Forshaw - 46 pts
- J Baker / J Hair - 45pts
- G Kingdom / P Fay - 44pts
- T English / W Brown - 43pts
- K Richardson / C Rixon - 43
- Best Individual Score - P O'Connor
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd - T Hancock
- 11th - T Hancock
- 5th - J Baker
- 14th - None
- 9th - C Rixon
- 18th - None
Mars Bar
- B Jacobson / J Townsend
Wednesday 27th November 2024 - Ladies Single Stableford
Gollan Family Trophy
Winner A Grade - L Jeffery - 36pts
Runner Up - S Jacobson - 35pts c/b
Winner B Grade - R Bell - 38pts
Runner Up - K Bolger - 35pts
Ball Rundown
- R Robson
- J Hennessy
- C Husselbee
2/11 - S Spiteri
5/14 - R Bell
9/18 - J Hennessy
Nature Walk
- R Clark
Tuesday 26th November 2024 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - M Lee - 39pts
Second Place - B Finlay - 38pts c/b
Third Place - G Kingdom - 38pts
Ball Rundown
- C Rixon
- C Cooksey
- K Keane
- S Wager
- L Campbell
- J Hair
- M George
- E Mackney
- W Brown
- J Robinson Snr
- 5/14 - M Lee
- 9/18 - L Allsop
Saturday 23rd November 2024 - Single Stableford
Terry Hancock and Keith Richardson Trophy
Overall & A Grade Winner - B Morgan - 38pts
B Grade Winner - J O'Donnell - 36pts
C Grade Winner - B Taylor - 35pts
Gross Winner - D McPhie - 72
Ball Rundown
- M Flaherty
- G Dunne
- G Kingdom
- P O'Connor
- R Harvey-Williams
- M Gittoes
- D Ferrier
- B Bevege
- J Ferrier
- P Taylor
- T Perry
Winner - R Taylor - 36pts
Runner Up - S O'Connor
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd/11th Men - R Harvey-Williams
- 2nd/11th Ladies - R Taylor
- 5th/14th Men - B Taylor
- 5th/14th Ladies - None
- 9th/18th Men - M McPhie - 30cm
- 9th/18th - Ladies - None
- 12th Pro's Approach - G Kingdom
Mystery Cards
- J Ferrier
- W Legge
Friday 22nd November 2024 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner of a Ham - G Dunne - 26pts c/b
Runners Up - Winner of Ham - G Pawsey - 26pts
Winner of Turkey - P O'Connor - 24pts
Thursday 21st November 2024 - Single Stableford - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - C Young - 41pts
Runners Up
- R Pacheco - 39pts
- J Hair - 35pts
- S Colless - 35pts
- B Bevege - 35pts
- T English - 35pts
- E Mackney - 35pts
- L Allsop - 35pts
- C Forshaw - 35pts
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - B Jacobson
- 11th - C Forshaw
- 5th - P O'Connor
- 14th - T English
- 9th - P Fay
- 18th -B Bevege - Hole In One
Congratulations Bob Bevege Hole In One on 18th
Mars Bar
- J Townsend
Sunday 17th November 2024 - Parent and Junior Championships - 18 Hole Foursomes
Winners - 18 Hole Gross
- J Robinson Snr / J Robinson Jnr - 76
Winners - 18 Hole Net
- L Jeffery / J Jeffery - 67.5
Winners Back Nine Nett
- C Youngberry / A Youngberry - 36.25
Ball Rundown
- M McPhie / D McPhie
- D Ferrier / J Ferrier
- R Clark / L Gow
Saturday 16th November 2024 - 2B Aggregate Stableford
M Hardy & A Youngberry Trophy
-J Mulcahy / M McPhie - 74
Runners Up
- T Cicchinelli / J Ferrier - 73
Individual Winner
- Men - A Schmitt - 38pts
- Ladies - S O'Connor - 33pts
Ball Rundown
- M Flaherty / A Schmitt
- G Irvine / L Allsop
- P Wall / G Pawsey
- D Ferrier / W Legge
- B Ferrier / Dean Ferrier
- S Wager / M Lee
- C Rixon / C Cooksey
Nearest the Pins
- Men 2nd/ 11th - J Robinson Jnr
- Ladies 2nd/11th - J Hennessy
- Men 5th/14th - L Allsop - 78cm
- Ladies 5th/14th - None
- Men 9th/18th - M Gittoes
- Ladies 9th/18th - C Youngberry - 18cm
- Pro's Approach - M Gittoes - 84cm
Mystery Cards
- G Fletcher
- L McCarroll
Friday 15th November 2024 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - G Dunne - 28pts
Runners Up
- J Mulcahy - 26pts
- P wall - 25pts
- J O'Donnell
Thursday 14th November 2024 - Single Stableford - Men's Vets
Overall Winner R Burns - 37pts
Runners Up
- E Mackney - 35pts
- B Bevege - 35pts
- C Young - 35pts
- K Keane - 35pts
- B Jacobson - 34pts
- G Kingdom - 33pts
- T Lawler - 33pts
- R Standing - 32pts
- B Finlay - 32pts
- W Brown - 32pts
- W Sully - 32pts
- J Hair - 32pts
- P O'Connor - 31pts
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - T Lawler
- 11th - A Irvine
- 5th - P O'Connor
- 14th - E Mackney
- 9th - None
- 18th - None
Mars Bar
- J Townsend
Wednesday 13th November 2024 - Ladies Single Stableford
R Kinnane Trophy
Winner A Grade - L Bolger - 35pts
Winner B Grade - T Thomas - 35pts
Ball Rundown
- R Robson
- S Spiteri
- L Gow
- L Jeffery
2/11 - J Hennessy
5/14 - S Spiteri
9/18 - M Patterson
Plovers Nest
- T Thomas - 91cm
- S Spiteri - 44cm
- L Gow - 97cm
Nature Walk
- M Patterson
Saturday 9th November 2024 - Single Stableford
Bruce & Sue Jacobson Trophy
Overall & C Grade Winner - L McCarroll - 42pts
A Grade Winner - J Behn - 39pts
B Grade Winner - M Fava - 41pts
Gross Winner - M Flaherty - 75c/b
Ball Rundown
- B Finlay
- G Dunne
- S Wager
- B Jacobson
- P Wall
- W Legge
- M McPhie
- L Allsop
- D Ferrier
Winner Ladies - S O'Connor - 38pts c/b
Runner up - S Jacobson - 38
Ball Rundown
- T Thomas
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd/11th Men - C Cooksey
- 2nd/11th Ladies - D Perkins - 60cm
- 5th/14th Men - M Fava
- 5th/14th Ladies - K Fletcher
- 9th/18th Men - G Fletcher
- 9th/18th - Ladies - D Perkins
- 12th Pro's Approach - A Irvine
Mystery Cards
- C Youngberry
- P O'Connor
Friday 8th November 2024 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - D Ferrier - 31pts
Runner Up - G Dunne - 28pts
- G Dunne
Thursday 7th November 2024 - Single Stroke & Putts - Monthly Mug - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - K Keane - 65nett
Runner Up - G Fletcher - 67nett
Best Individual Score - R Burns - 73
Ball Rundown
- L Newton - 67
- C Rixon - 68
- L Allsop - 69
- T Lawler - 69
- B Jacobson - 69
- G Kingdom - 70
- B Ferrier - 70
- C Young - 70
- P O'Connor - 71
- R Burns - 71
- R Standing - 71
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - J Robinson Jnr
- 11th - B Jacobson
- 5th - B Jacobson
- 14th - L Newton
- 9th - L Campbell
- 18th - R Burns
Winner Putting
- B Ferrier - 24 putts
Mars Bar
- J Campbell
Wednesday 6th November 2024 - Ladies Single Stableford
R Bell Trophy
Winner A Grade - L Savins - 35pts c/b
Winner B Grade - T Thomas - 37pts
Ball Rundown
- M Patterson
- S Jacobson
- L Jeffery
- J Hennessy
- L Bolger
Nature Walk
- H Campbell
Tuesday 5th November 2024 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - G Glasheen - 42pts
Second Place - J Robinson Snr - 38pts c/b
Third Place - C Cooksey - 38pts
Ball Rundown
- P Fay
- S Wager
- K Keane
- L Matthew
- B Jacobson
- G Fletcher
- G Kingdom
- E Mackney
- J Townsend
- J Robinson Jnr
- 5/14 - E Mackney
- 9/18 - G Fletcher
Saturday 2nd November 2024 - Single Stroke & Putts - Monthly Medal
Norco Evans Head and Evans Head Fishing Charters Trophy
Overall and B Grade Winner - P O'Connor 63nett
A Grade Winner - J Robinson Jnr - 68nett c/b
C Grade Winner - M Knox - 68nett
Gross Winner - D McPhie - 73
Ball Rundown
- M Flaherty
- J Robinson Snr
- C Cooksey
- R Harvey-Williams
- G Kingdom
- G Fletcher
- G Dunne
Men - A Peters - 25 c/b
Ladies - S Jacobson - 26 c/b
Ladies Winner
- R Bell - 71 c/b
Ladies Runners up
- S Jacobson - 71
- D Perkins - 73
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - B Finlay
- 2nd/11th Ladies - K Fletcher
- 5th/14th Men - A Irvine
- 5th/14th Ladies - S Jacobson
- 9th/18th Men - P O'Connor
- 9th/18th Ladies - C Wagstaff
- 12th Pro's Approach - G Dunne
Mystery Cards
- S Jacobson
- C Bice
Friday 1st November 2024 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - W Legge - 28pts
Runner Up - J Rogers - 27pts
Thursday 31st October 2024 - 2 Person Ambrose and AGM - Men's Vets
Overall Winners
- B Leeson / W Brown
Ball Rundown
- M Jarrett / E Mackney
- K Keane / J Townsend
- J Perry / C Rixon / J Campbell
- J RobinsonJnr / J Robinson Snr
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd - J Perkins / A Irvine
- 11th - J Robinson Jnr / J Robinson Snr
- 5th - P Fay
- 14th - A Irvine (Plovers Nest)
- 9th - J Robinson Snr
- 18th - J Perkins
Mars Bar
- R Park / F Murdock
Wednesday 30th October 2024 - 2 Person Ambrose - Pink Day For Breast Cancer
M Patterson and K Wong Trophy
Overall Winners
- L Savins / T Thomas
Ball Rundown
- S Jacobson / R Bell
- S Spiteri / R Robson / C Husselbee
- S Black / K Fletcher
- L Gow / R Clark
Nearest the Pins
- 5th/14th - R Clark / L Gow
Nature Walk
- C Youngberry / H Campbell
Tuesday 29th October 2024 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - J Baker - 40pts
Second Place - M George - 38pts
Third Place - C Cooksey - 37pts
Ball Rundown
- T Hawkins
- W Brown
- G Kingdom
- S Wager
- D McPhie
- F Murdock
- B Jacobson
- K Keane
- J Hair
- B Ferrier
- 5/14 - L Allsop
- 9/18 - L Allsop
Saturday 26th October 2024 - V's Par
M Jarrett Trophy
Overall & C Grade Winner - M Knox - +5
A Grade Winner - J Robinson Jnr - -1
B Grade Winner - G Fletcher - +2
Gross Winner - M Flaherty
Ball Rundown
- P O'Connor
- B Jacobson
- J Baker
- J Ferrier
- L McCarroll
- T English
- T Lawler
- J Perkins
- E Mackney
- G Irvine
Winner Ladies
- C Waring - +2
Runner up
- K Fletcher
- C Wagstaff
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd/11th Men -T Lawler
- 2nd/11th Ladies - L Waring
- 5th/14th Men - L McCarroll
- 5th/14th Ladies - None
- 9th/18th Men - J Coller
- 9th/18th - Ladies - K Fletcher
- 12th Pro's Approach - M Flaherty (28cm)
Mystery Cards
- S Colless
- B Finlay
Friday 25th October 2024 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - D Ferrier - 25pts c/b
Runner Up - J O'Donnell - 25
Nearest The Pin
5th/14th - P Wall
9th/18th - P Wall
Thursday 24th October 2024 - Single Stableford - Men's Vets
Overall Winner L Campbell - 40pts
Runners Up
- T Hawkins - 38pts
- G Platt - 38pts
- K Keane - 38pts
- B Kinnane - 37pts
- C Young - 37pts
- E Mackney - 36pts
- T English - 35pts
- B Munro - 35pts
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - W Brown
- 11th - G Platt
- 5th - G Fletcher
- 14th - None
- 9th - J Weaver
- 18th - L Allsop
Mars Bar
- T Marsden
Wednesday 23rd October 2024 - Ladies Single Stroke & NTP - Medal of Medals Playoff - Presidents V's Captains
J Pethers and J Hennessy Trophy
Medal of Medals Winner
- C Youngberry - 71nett
Captains Winner - R Clark
R/U - G Ferrier
Nett Score - 627
Presidents Winner - A Weaver
R/U - C Youngberry
Nett Score - 616
Ball Rundown
- C Hussellbee
- T Thomas
- H Savins
- S Jacobson
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th - J Hennessy
- 5th/14th - None
- 9th 18th - T Thomas
Nature Walk
- R Kinnane
Tuesday 22nd October 2024 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - B Finlay - 40pts
Second Place - J Hair - 39pts
Third Place - T English - 37pts
Ball Rundown
- D McPhie - 36
- M George - 34
- P Newman - 34
- B Bevege - 34
- C Cooksey - 34
- K Fletcher - 34
- G Fletcher - 33
- B Ferrier - 33
- L Allsop - 32
- E Mackney - 32
- 5/14 - E Mackney
- 9/18 - J Robinson Jnr
Saturday 19th October 2024 - Single Stableford
Wardell Warriors Trophy
Overall & B Grade Winner - J Ferrier - 40pts
A Grade Winner - D McPhie - 37pts
C Grade Winner - B Kinnane - 34pts
Gross Winner - M Flaherty
Ball Rundown
- T Hancock
- K Richardson
- B Bevege
- P O'Connor
- T Lawler
- E Mackney
- D Ferrier
- G Dunne
- B Jacobson
Winner Ladies
- K Fletcher - 32pts
Ladies Runner up
- S O'Connor - 31c/b
Ball Rundown
- J Hennessy
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd/11th Men - D McPhie
- 2nd/11th Ladies - J Hennessy
- 5th/14th Men - D McPhie
- 5th/14th Ladies - J Hennessy
- 9th/18th Men - G Irvine
- 9th/18th - Ladies - T Thomas
- 12th Pro's Approach - B Morgan
Mystery Cards
- B Kessell
- E Mackney
Friday 18th October 2024 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - J O'Donnell - 26pts
Runner Up - D McPhie - 24pts c/b
Thursday 17th October 2024 - Single Stableford - Men's Vets
Overall Winner R Park - 39pts
Runners Up
- R Standing - 35pts
- B Ferrier - 34pts
- C Rixon - 34pts
- K Keane - 34pts
- B Munro - 34pts
- L Campbell - 34pts
- G Irvine - 33pts
- M Fava - 33pts
- T Hancock - 33pts
- T Hawkins - 32pts
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - B Leeson
- 11th - P O'Connor
- 5th - L Allsop
- 14th - None
- 9th - L Campbell
- 18th - B Kessell
Mars Bar
- D Pobje
Wednesday 16th October 2024 - Ladies Single Stableford
Club Trophy
Winner - S Spiteri - 36pts
Ball Rundown
- S Black - 31pts
- R Clark - 28pts
- S Jacobson - 28pts
Nature Walk
- L Gow
Tuesday 15th October 2024 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - M McPhie - 38pts
Second Place - M George - 37pts c/b
Third Place - R Burns - 37pts c/b
Ball Rundown
- P Newman - 37 c/b
- E Mackney - 37
- G Kingdom - 35
- W Brown - 34
Lucky Draw
- J Robinson Jnr
- D McPhie
Sunday 13th October - Men's Foursomes Championships
27Hole Gross Winners
- D McPhie and M Flaherty - 126
27 Hole Nett Winners
- E Mackney and B Finlay 114 c/b
18 Hole Nett Winners
- D Ferrier and J Ferrier - 76
Last 9 Winners
- M Knox and C Bice
Saturday 12th October 2024 - Single Stableford
Woodburn Evans Head Lady Golfers Trophy
Overall & A Grade Winner - M Scurr - 38pts
B Grade Winner - J Ferrier - 36pts
C Grade Winner - C Rixon - 36pts
Gross Winner - D McPhie - 73
Ball Rundown
- J Behn
- J Robinson Jnr
- B Bevege
- R Harvey-Williams
- G Kingdom
- M McPhie
- G Irvine
- B Morgan
- B Ferrier
- B Kessell
- J Perkins
- J O'Donnell
- S Colless
Winner Ladies
- K Fletcher - 36
Runner up
- C Youngberry
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd/11th Men - B Turner
- 2nd/11th Ladies - K Fletcher
- 5th/14th Men - G Kingdom
- 5th/14th Ladies - R Kinnane
- 9th/18th Men - J Robinson Jnr
- 9th/18th - Ladies - D Perkins
- 12th Pro's Approach - M Scurr
Mystery Cards
- F Murdock
- R Harvey-Williams
Friday 11th October 2024 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - J Coller - 24pts
Runner Up - D McPhie - 23pts c/b
Nearest the Pin
- G Dunne
Wednesday 9th October 2024 - Ladies Single Stableford 9 Holes
C Husselbee & J Leese Trophy
Winner - R Robson - 19 pts
Ball Rundown
- C Husselbee - 17pts
- A Weaver - 16pts
- R Bell - 15pts c/b
Nature Walk
- K Bolger
Saturday 5th October 2024 - Single Stroke & Putts - Monthly Medal
WEHGC Trophy
Overall and B Grade Winner - D Samuels - 66nett
A Grade Winner - D McPhie - 71nett
C Grade Winner - L Newton - 73nett
Gross Winner - E Mackney
Ball Rundown
- P Wall
- T Hancock
- J Perkins
- B Jacobson
- T Lawler
- C Hastie
- B Bevege
- P O'Connor
- J O'Donnell
Congratulations D Samuels - Eagle on 13th Hole
Men - E Mackney - 25
Ladies - R Kinnane - 30
Ladies Winner
D Perkins - 80nett
Ladies Runner up
S Jacobson
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - None
- 2nd/11th Ladies - K Fletcher
- 5th/14th Men - K Richardson
- 5th/14th Ladies - K Fletcher
- 9th/18th Men - T Hancock
- 9th/18th Ladies -K Fletcher
- 12th Pro's Approach - D Ferrier
Mystery Cards
- R Taylor
- C Hastie
Friday 4th October 2024 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - C Edwards - 24pts c/b
Runner Up - W Legge - 24pts
Thursday 3rd October 2024 - Single Stroke & Putts - Monthly Mug - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - L Campbell - 69nett
Runner Up - B Finlay - 69nett
Best Individual Score - R Burns - 78
Ball Rundown
- B Kessell - 70
- A Irvine - 71
- B Leeson - 71
- T Lawler - 73
- W Brown - 73
- R Burns - 75
- J Perkins - 75
- R Woodward - 76
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - K Keane
- 11th - B Finlay
- 5th - B Kessell
- 14th - B Finlay
- 9th - E Mackney
- 18th - R Woodward
Winner Putting
- B Leeson - 26 putts
Mars Bar
- J Baker
Thursday 26th September 2024 - 2B Aggregate Stableford - Men's Vets
- J Robinson Jnr / J Robinson Snr - 79 pts
Runners Up
- J Baker / R Burns - 74 pts
Individual Winner
- D Perkins - 42 pts
Ball Rundown
- M Jarrett / R Standing - 74
- D Perkins / J Perkins - 74 pts
- K Richardson / W Kessell - 71 pts
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd - T English
- 11th - A Irvine
- 5th - J Robinson Jnr
-14th - E Mackney (95cm)
- 9th - L Campbell
- 18th - B Ferrier
- Plovers Nest - J Robinson Jnr
Mars Bar
- J Hepple / T Marsden
Wednesday 25th September 2024 - Ladies - American Foursomes
S Spiteri Trophy
Final Round Ballina Demolitions - M Patterson
Winners American Foursomes
- S Jacobson / R Bell
Winners of Ballina Demolitions
- L Savins / T Thomas
Runners Up of Ballina Demolitions
- R Bell / S Jacobson
Ball Rundown
- T Thomas / L Savins
- L Bolger / K Bolger
Nearest the Pins
- 5th/14th - K Fletcher / C Youngberry
Nature Walk
-S Spitieri / S Black
Tuesday 24th September 2024 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - P Newman - 44pts
Second Place - J Leese - 39pts
Third Place - J Robinson Snr - 39pts
Ball Rundown
- C Wagstaff - 39
- L Campbell - 38
- K Keane - 38
- E Mackney -38
- B Jacobson - 37
- L Allsop - 37
- M George - 36
- J Townsend - 36
- G Marci - 35
- S Wager - 34
5/14 - T English
9/18 - G Fletcher
Saturday 21st September 2024 - 2B Aggregate Stableford
D Ferrier & C Youngberry Trophy
- P Newman / C Bice - 78
Runners Up
- M Flaherty / D McPhie - 77
Individual Winner
- E Mackney
Ball Rundown
- E Mackney / K Keane
- R Kinnane / B Kinnane
- R Robson / C Youngberry
- L McCarroll / C Wagstasff
- P Wall / W Legge
- S O'Connor / P O'Connor
- B Bevege / R Harvey-Williams
Nearest the Pins
- Men 2nd/ 11th - P O'Connor
- Ladies 2nd/11th - R Robson
- Men 5th/14th - C Bice (22cm)
- Ladies 5th/14th - G Ferrier
- Men 9th/18th - M Gittoes
- Ladies 9th/18th - R Bell (21cm)
- Pro's Approach - B Leeson
Mystery Cards
- C Cooksey
- R Kinnane
Friday 20th September 2024 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - J O'Donnell - 28pts c/b
Runner Up - P Newman - 28pts
Nearest The Pin
- J Robinson Snr
Thursday 19th September 2024 - Single Stroke - Men's Vets - 4th Round Championships
Overall Winner - J Baker - 63nett
Runner Up - J Perkins - 65nett
Ball Rundown
- K Keane - 68
- T Hancock - 69
- R Burns - 69
- G Fletcher - 69
- J Townsend - 69
- W Brown - 70
- B Finlay - 70
- L Allsop - 71
- J Campbell - 71
- L Newton - 71
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - T Lawler
- 11th - B Ferrier
- 5th - K Keane
- 14th - B Bevege
- 9th - G Fletcher
- 18th - C Rixon
Mars Bar
- J Perry
Wednesday 18th September 2024 - Ladies - 2BBB AGG Stroke - 2nd Round Ballina Demolitions
S Black Trophy
Overall Winner - Single Nett Score
- T Thomas
- L Savins / T Thomas
Runners Up
- L Gow / R Clark
Ball Rundown
- R Robson / G Ferrier
- C Youngberry / K Fletcher
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/ 11th - K Fletcher
- 5th/14th - K Fletcher
- 9th/18th - R Bell
Nature Walk
- R Kinnane / H Savins
Tuesday 17th September 2024 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - R Standing - 43pts
Second Place - S Wager - 38pts
Third Place - W Brown - 36pts
Ball Rundown
- J Robinson Snr
- C Rixon
- J Baker
- L Allsop
- J Townsend
- E Mackney
- D McPhie
- M George
- T Hancock
- W Sully
- B Ferrier
5/14 - L Allsop
9/18 - K Keane
Saturday 14th September 2024 - Single Stableford
Evans Head Bowling Club Trophy
Overall & C Grade Winner - W Legge - 43pts
A Grade Winner - B Morgan - 39pts
B Grade Winner - K Fletcher - 37pts
Gross Winner - G Dunne
Ball Rundown
- B Jacobson
- B Leeson
- G Irvine
- M McPhie
- M Fava
- J Mulcahy
- B Kinnane
- L McCarroll
- P Newman
Runner Up Ladies
- S O'Connor
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd/11th Men - G Dunne
- 2nd/11th Ladies - K Fletcher
- 5th/14th Men - T Lawler
- 5th/14th Ladies - K Fletcher
- 9th/18th Men - B Morgan
- 9th/18th - Ladies - R Kinnane (40cm)
- 12th Pro's Approach - K Fletcher
Mystery Cards
- S Jacobson
- L Allsop
Friday 13th September 2024 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - G Dunne - 25pts
Runner Up - J Ferrier - 23pts
Thursday 12th September 2024 - Single Stableford - Men's Vets
Overall Winner WEH - T Lawler - 41pts
Runners Up
- T Hancock - 37
- B Ferrier - 36
- J Hepple - 35
- E Mackney - 34
- G Irvine - 34
- B Kinnane - 34
- G Fletcher - 33
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - T Lawler
- 11th - E Mackney (In the Hole)
- 5th - B Ferrier
- 14th - J Baker
- 9th - A Irvine
- 18th - C Young
Mars Bar
- J Baker
Wednesday 11th September 2024 - Ladies - 2 Person Ambrose - 1st Round Ballina Demolitions
T Thomas Trophy
Winners - K Fletcher / C Youngberry
Runners Up - S Jacobson / R Bell
Ball Rundown
- T Thomas / L Savins
- R Robson / G Ferrier
Nearest the Pins
- 5th/14th - L Gow / K Bolger
Nature Walk
- S Spiteri / S Black
Tuesday 10th September 2024 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - P Newman - 39pts
Second Place - J Perkins - 37pts
Third Place - R Woods - 36pts
Ball Rundown
- T Hancock - 35
- J Baker - 35
- B Jacobson - 35
- D McPhie - 35
- J Robinson Snr - 34
- M McPhie - 34
- G Burley - 32
- C Wagstaff
5/14 - D McPhie
9/18 - J Robinson Jnr
Saturday 7th September 2024 - Single Stroke & Putts - Monthly Medal
Jon Mulcahy Trophy
Overall and C Grade Winner -T Lawler - 67nett
A Grade Winner - P Carey - 68nett
B Grade Winner - T Hancock - 70nett c/b
Gross Winner - D McPhie - 73
Ball Rundown
- C Cooksey
- M Knox
- J Hepple
- L Monson
- G Irvine
- G Dunne
- S Wager
- G Pawsey
- T English
- M Fava
- B Finlay
- L McCarroll
Men - P Carey - 23
Ladies - D Perkins - 26
Winner Ladies
R Bell - 69nett
Runner up Ladies
C Youngberry
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - M George
- 2nd/11th Ladies - S Jacobson
- 5th/14th Men - P Mitchell
- 5th/14th Ladies - S Jacobson
- 9th/18th Men - P Wall
- 9th/18th Ladies - D Perkins
- 12th Pro's Approach - L Monson
Mystery Cards
- M McPhie
- C Hastie
Friday 6th September 2024 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - P Newman - 26pts c/b
Runner Up - D McPhie - 26pts
- G Dunne
Thursday 5th September 2024 - Single Stroke & Putts - Monthly Mug - Men's Vets
Overall Winner -T English - 67nett
Runner Up - R Burns - 68nett
Ball Rundown
- M Fava - 69
- B Leeson - 70
- E Mackney - 71
- S Curtin - 71
- W Brown - 72
- G Platt - 72
- J Baker - 73
- J Hepple - 74
- J Robinson Snr - 74
- J Robinson Jnr - 74
- J Perkins - 74
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - E Mackney
- 11th - B Ferrier
- 5th - R Burns (Hole in One)
- 14th - M Fava
- 9th - C Young
- 18th - A Irvine
Winner Putting
- E Mackney
Congratulations Russell Burns
- Hole In One on 5th
Mars Bar
-P Fay
Wednesday 4th September 2024 - Ladies Single Stroke & Putts - Final Round WGA & Club Medals
J Pethers Trophy
Medal Winners
A Grade - C Youngberry
B Grade - R Bell
C Grade - N Durrant
- A Grade - S Jacobson
- B Grade - R Bell
Ball Rundown
- S Jacobson
- L Gow
- G Ferrier
Nearest the Pins
- 5th/14th -T Thomas
Nature Walk
- N Durrant
Tuesday 3rd September 2024 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - C Cooksey - 38pts c/b
Second Place - S Wager - 38pts
Third Place - M George - 37pts
Ball Rundown
- B Jacobson
- B Bevege
- T English
- P Newman
- L Allsop
- J Townsend
- W Sully
- B Finlay
- S O'Connor
- J Robinson Jnr
5/14 - E Mackney
9/18 - B Jacobson
Saturday 1st September 2024 - 4 Person Ambrose - Bob Deardon Memorial Day
Carol Deardon Family Trophy
Overall Winners
- A Schmitt, D Samuels, M Knox, M Flaherty
Runners Up
- L Turner, B Turner, N Williams, S Colless
Ball Rundown
- C Hastie, J Baker, S Bradley, B Taylor
- A Irvine, M Fava, T Lawler, B Leeson
- D Ferrier, J Ferrier, M Ferrier, C Youngberry
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th - N Williams
- 5th/14th - J Coller
- 9th/18th - L Turner
- Pro's Approach - L Turner
Mystery Cards
- R Turner
- A Irvine
Friday 30th August 2024 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - B Jacobson - 25pts
Runner Up - G Dunne - 24pts
- G Dunne
Thursday 29th August 2024 - V's Par - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - B Kessell +2
Runners Up
- R Burns +2
- T Lawler +1
- M Fava +1
- G Platt -2
- D Perkins -2
- B Jacobson -2
- J Perkins -2
- P Fay -2
- E Mackney -2
- B Finlay -2
- W Sully -2
- C Young -2
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - R Roberts
- 11th - M Jarrett
- 5th - M Fava
- 14th - J Townsend
- 9th - J Perkins
- 18th - W Brown
Mars Bar
- T Marsden
Wednesday 28th August 2024 - Ladies - 27 Hole Foursomes Championships
Metcalf Quality Meats Trophy
18 Hole Winners - J Hennessy & G Ferrier
Runners Up
- L Savins / C Youngberry
- M Patterson / H Savins
- S Spiteri / N Durrant
Nearest the Pins
- 5th/14th - J Hennessy
Nature Walk
- R Robson / T Thomas
Tuesday 27th August 2024 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - E Mackney - 38pts
Second Place - B Ferrier - 34pts
Third Place - J Hair - 34pts
Ball Rundown
- B Jacobson
- R Ware
- J Robinson Jnr
- K Keane
- L Allsop
- L Campbell
- JP Mullaly
- T English
- C Rixon
- R Burns
5/14 - J Robinson Jnr
9/18 - T Hancock
Saturday 24th August 2024 - Single Stableford
Riverside Butchers Coraki Trophy
Overall & A Grade Winner - T Marsden - 39pts
B Grade Winner - C Hastie - 38pts
C Grade Winner - A Schmitt - 38pts
Gross Winner - E Mackney
Ball Rundown
- P Newman
- G Pawsey
- C Rixon
- J Baker
- P Wall
- T Lawler
- B Bevege
- D Ferrier
- J Robinson Jnr
Winner Ladies
- R Robson - 33pts
Runner Up Ladies
- C Youngberry - 32pts c/b
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd/11th Men - L McCarroll
- 2nd/11th Ladies - S Jacobson
- 5th/14th Men - W Prentice
- 5th/14th Ladies -C Youngberry
- 9th/18th Men - B Jacobson
- 9th/18th - Ladies - D Perkins
- 12th Pro's Approach - T Marsden
Mystery Cards
- B Morgan
- S Colless
Friday 24th August 2024 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - P OConnor - 28pts
Runner Up - M McPhie - 26pts
-J Mulcahy
Thursday 22nd August 2024 - Single Stableford - Men's Vets - Maclean Visit
Overall Winner WEH - G Irvine - 39pts
Runners Up
- L Newton - 36
- G Platt - 35
- B Kessell - 35
- E Mackney - 34
- T Lawler - 34
- T Marsden - 33
- R Burns - 32
- K Keane - 32
- J Robinson Jnr - 31
- J Baker - 31
- C Young - 31
Overall Winner Maclean - V Morgan - 35pts
Runners Up
- P Hamilton - 32
- J Carlton - 31
- R Furlon
- B Plenty
- M James
- W Rae
- I McFarland
- B Harvey
Nearest the Pin for both Clubs
- 2nd - G Platt
- 11th - J Robinson Jnr.
- 5th - M James
- 14th - R Burns
- 9th - L Newton
- 18th - B Ferrier
Mars Bar
- J Campbell
- G Millard
Tuesday 20th August 2024 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - R Burns - 39pts
Second Place - M George - 37pts
Ball Rundown
- S Wager
- P Newman
- W Brown
5/14 - J Robinson Jnr
9/18 - G Kingdom
Saturday 10th August 2024 - Single Stableford - Final of Beachside Bargains Skins
Bill & Gail Ferrier Trophy
Overall & A Grade Winner - C Bice - 40pts
B Grade Winner - C Hastie - 39pts
Gross Winner - D McPhie
Ball Rundown
- B Ferrier
- T Lawler
- K Richardson
- M Gittoes
- B Morgan
- B Bevege
- G Irvine
- E Mackney
- J Baker
- C Cooksey
- M Fava
- P Wall
- T Hancock
- S Colless
- M Knox
Winner Ladies
- R Robson - 40pts
Runner Up Ladies
- G Ferrier
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd/11th Men - C Bice
- 2nd/11th Ladies - C Youngberry
- 5th/14th Men - P O'Connor
- 5th/14th Ladies - None
- 9th/18th Men - J Baker
- 9th/18th - Ladies - R Robson (Hole in one)
- 12th Pro's Approach - M Fava
Mystery Cards
- J Mulcahy
- J O'Donnell
Final of Beachside Bargains Skins
Congratulations to Finalists
- K Richardson
- G Kingdom
- S Wager
- G Dunne
Thursday 8th August 2024 - Single Stroke - Men's Vets - 2nd Round Championships
Overall Winner - R Burns - 64nett
Runner Up - E Mackney - 68 nett
- B Finlay - 68
- C Rixon - 69
- J Baker - 70
- T English - 70
- G Kingdom - 71
- L Allsop - 71
- K Keane - 71
- D Ferrier - 72
- W Brown - 72
- J Robinson Jnr - 73
- B Ferrier - 73
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - J Robinson Jnr
- 11th - J Robinson Jnr
- 5th - A Irvine
- 14th - T Lawler
- 9th - G Ireland
- 18th - E Mackney
- 3/12 - Skinners - B Finlay - 37cm
Mars Bar
- L Newton
Tuesday 6th August 2024 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - T Hancock - 38pts c/b
Second Place - W Sully - 38pts
Third Place - B Finlay - 35pts
Ball Rundown
- R Standing
- W Brown
- R Burns
- P Fay
- E Mackney
- B Jacobson
- R Park
- C Husselbee
- L Allsop
- J Robinson Snr
5/14 - T Hancock - 93cm
9/18 - P Newman
Monday 5th August 2024 - Vets Ladies Open Day
Overall Winner
- G Amour - Iluka
Senior Vets Winner
- S Burgess - Iluka
A Grade - Winner - A Weaver - WEH
A Grade - R/Up - S Manwarring - Ballina
A Grade - 2nd R/Up - L Dean - Casino
B Grade - Winner - E Piddington - Maclean
B Grade - R/Up - C Hudson - Lismore
B Grade - 2nd R/Up - N Meagher - Iluka
2nd /11th - N Veil - Casino - 3cm
5th / 14th - J Fairhall - Ballina
9th /18th - N Meagher - Iluka
Nature Walk
- L Lefcourt
Saturday 3rd August 2024 - Single Stroke & Putts - Monthly Medal - Final Round Club Championships
Club Evans Trophy
Overall and B Grade Winner - K Richardson - 72nett c/b
A Grade Winner - D Ferrier - 73nett
C Grade Winner - S Wager - 73nett
Gross Winner - M Flaherty
- Men - C Bice - 28
- Ladies - J Hennessy
Ball Rundown
- J Perkins
- R Ware
- M Gittoes
- T Hancock
- A Schmitt
- R Harvey-Williams
- G Kingdom
- B Mayes
- B Jacobson
- C Cooksey
- G Dunne
- C Bice
Winner Ladies
- C Wagstaff
Runners up Ladies
- J Hennessy
- D Perkins
- R Bell
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - P Wall
- 2nd/11th Ladies - S Jacobson
- 5th/14th Men - M Gittoes
- 5th/14th Ladies - K Fletcher
- 9th/18th Men - J Perkins
- 9th/18th Ladies - J Leese
- 12th Pro's Approach - M Flaherty
Mystery Cards
- A Schmitt
- R Ware
Friday 2nd August 2024 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - J O'Donnell - 24pts c/b
Runner Up - B Finlay- 24pts
- P Thomas
Thursday 1st August 2024 - Single Stroke & Putts - Monthly Mug - Men's Vets - 1st Round Championships
Overall Winner - R Burns - 70nett
Runner Up - G Irvine - 71nett
Best Individual Score - R Burns - 76
Winner Putting
- R Burns
- D Perkins
- T Hancock
- P Fay
- C Rixon
- K Keane
- R Pacheco
- L Allsop
- R Park
- G Kingdom
- B Kinnane
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - T Lawler
- 11th - J Townsend
- 5th - B Leeson
- 14th - None
- 9th - A Irvine
- 18th - R Burns
Mars Bar
- R Standing
Wednesday 31st July 2024 - Ladies Single Stroke & Putts - Third Round Ladies Championships
L Bolger Trophy
Winner A Grade
- K Fletcher
Winner B Grade
- M Patterson
- A Grade - J Hennessy
- B Grade - M Patterson
Ball Rundown
- J Leese
- J Hennessy
- A Weaver
- R Robson
- H Savins
- S Dumbleton
Nearest the Pins
- 5th/14th -K Fletcher
Nature Walk
- M Ellis
Tuesday 30th July 2024 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - M George - 38pts c/b
Second Place - G Kingdom - 38pts
Third Place - B Jacobson - 35pts
Ball Rundown
- G Ireland
- R Burns
- T Hancock
- W Sully
- R Harvey-Williams
- B Ferrier
- J Hair
- W Brown
- B Finlay
- P Fay
5/14 - E Mackney
9/18 - T Hancock
Saturday 27th July 2024 - Single Stroke - Third Round Club Championships
Club Evans Trophy
Overall and C Grade Winner - C Edwards - 69nett
B Grade Winner - J Robinson Snr - 69nett
C Grade Winner - G Kingdom - 70nett
Gross Winner - M Falherty
Ball Rundown
- R Hayes
- W Kessell
- G Irvine
- J Robinson Jnr
- L Allsop
- J O'Donnell
- B Morgan
- B Kinnane
- K Richardson
- RKK Pacheco
Winner Ladies
- J Hennessy
Ladies Runners up
- K Fletcher
- R Robson
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - M Gittoes
- 2nd/11th Ladies - J Hennessy
- 5th/14th Men - B Kinnane
- 5th/14th Ladies - C Youngberry
- 9th/18th Men - E Mackney
- 9th/18th Ladies - J Hennessy
- 12th Pro's Approach - B Jacobson
Mystery Cards
- L McCarroll
- C Wagstaff
Friday 26th July 2024 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - G Pawsey
Runner Up - B Kinnane - c/b
- G Dunne
- C Wagstaff
Thursday 25th July 2024 - Single Stableford - Men's Vets - Coraki Visit
Overall Winner WEH - W Brown - 40pts
Runners Up
- D Ferrier - 39
- J Robinson Snr - 39
-T Hancock - 38
- R Burns - 34
- E Mackney - 34
- C Young 34
- G Kingdom - 33
- J Perkins - 33
- B Kinnane - 32
- J Baker - 32
- S Colless - 32
Overall Winner Coraki - T Doyle - 39pts
Runners Up
- P Martin - 37
- B McDonald - 35
- P Muldoon - 35
- G Tait - 34
- J Celich - 33
- J Weaver - 33
- T Swindle - 32
Nearest the Pin for both Clubs
- 2nd - B Kinnane
- 11th - L Allsop
- 5th - J Weaver
- 14th - None
- 9th - T English
- 18th -R Burns
Mars Bar
- B Bevege
- T McBurney
Wednesday 24th July 2024 - Ladies Single Stroke & Putts - Second Round Ladies Championships
J Hennessy Trophy
Winner A Grade
- J Leese
Winner B Grade
- A Weaver
- A Grade - L Jeffery
- B Grade - A Weaver
Ball Rundown
- T Thomas
- L Jeffery
- R Kinnane
- K Fletcher
- S Dumbleton
- G Ferrier
Nearest the Pins
- 5th/14th - L Jeffery
Nature Walk
- R Clark
Tuesday 23rd July 2024 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - S Wager - 37pts c/b
Second Place - P Fay - 37pts
Third Place - P Newman - 36pts
Ball Rundown
- W Brown
- T Hancock
- E Mackney
- R Burns
- J Robinson Jnr
- C Wagstaff
- T English
- R Ware
- A Peters
- L Allsop
5/14 - J Coller
9/18 - A Peters
Saturday 20th July 2024 - Single Stroke - Second Round Club Championships
Club Evans Trophy
Overall and C Grade Winner - S Wager - 69nett
A Grade Winner - G Kingdom - 70nett
B Grade Winner - J Mulcahy - 71nett
Gross Winner - Dylan McPhie
Ball Rundown
- M Gittoes
- J Robinson Jnr
- L Allsop
- W Kessell
- P Newman
- D Ferrier
- M McPhie
- G Dunne
- C Cooksey
- B Ferrier
- J Kessell
- W Legge
Winner Ladies
- J Hennessy
Runners up
- D McPhie
- C Wagstaff
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - None
- 2nd/11th Ladies - D McPhie
- 5th/14th Men - C Bice
- 5th/14th Ladies - T Thomas
- 9th/18th Men - S Wager
- 9th/18th Ladies - J Hennessy
- 12th Pro's Approach - Dylan McPhie
Mystery Cards
- R Robson
- R Harvey-Williams
Friday 19th July 2024 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - Dylan McPhie - 26pts c/b
Runner Up - B Jacobson - 26pts
NTP - Debbie McPhie
Thursday 18th July 2024 - Single Stableford - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - B Bevege - 37pts
Runners Up
- W Brown - 36
- R Burns - 35
- B Leeson - 35
- E Mackney- 35
- M Fava - 34
- G Platt - 33
- J Robinson Snr - 33
- B Kinnane - 32
- L Allsop - 32
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - G Platt
- 11th - G Platt
- 5th - L Allsop - 51cm
- 14th - J Robinson Snr - 42cm
- 9th - E Mackney
- 18th - None
Mars Bar
- J Campbell
Wednesday 17th July 2024 - Ladies Single Stroke & Putts - First Round Ladies Championships
Robin Robson Trophy
Winner A Grade 0-22
- L Jeffery - 71nett
Winner B Grade 23-45
- G Ferrier - 74nett
Ball Rundown
- J Leese
- S Jacobson
- S Dumbleton
- Debbie
- S Spiteri
- H Savins
Nearest the Pins
- 5th/14th - C Husselbee
Tuesday 16th July 2024 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - B Morgan - 35pts
Second Place - R Robson - 34pts
Third Place - E Mackney - 33pts
Ball Rundown
- M George
- S Wager
- W Brown
- T English
- Dylan McPhie
- G Dunne
- J Robinson Snr
- K Keane
- R Burns
- L Allsop
- B Jacobson
5/14 - L Bodley
9/18 - E Mackney
Saturday 13th July 2024 - Single Stroke & Putts - Monthly Medal - First Round Club Championships
Club Evans Trophy
Overall and B Grade Winner - M Fava - 67nett
A Grade Winner - G Dunne - 69nett
C Grade Winner - A Schmitt - 75nett
Gross Winner - JP Mallaly - 74nett c/b
Ball Rundown
- P Wall
- R Pacheco
- D Ferrier
- E Mackney
- Dylan McPhie
- J Perkins
- JP Mallaly
- J Kessell
- M McPhie
- P Newman
- M Flaherty
- B Morgan
Winner Ladies
- R Kinnane
Runner up
- D McPhie
Winner Putting
Men - J Robinson Jnr
Ladies - R Kinnane - 29c/b
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - D Ferrier
- 2nd/11th Ladies - D McPhie
- 5th/14th Men -B Jacobson
- 5th/14th Ladies - R Kinnane
- 9th/18th Men - P Mitchell - 128cm
- 9th/18th Ladies - D Perkins - 40cm
- 12th Pro's Approach - D Ferrier
Mystery Cards
- D Ferrier
- J Mulcahy
Friday 12th July 2024 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - J O'Donnell - 26pts
Runner Up - T Gray - 24pts
Thursday 11th July 2024 - Single Stroke & Putts - Monthly Mug - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - K Keane - 71nett
Runner Up - L Allsop - 73nett
Best Individual Score - R Burns
- K Richardson
- T English
- B Kinnane
- M Fava
- G Irvine
- W Brown
- D Ferrier
- B Leeson
- B Bevege
- R Pacheco
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - J Perkins
- 11th - K Keane
- 5th - L Allsop
- 14th - K Keane
- 9th - W Sully
- 18th - A Skinner
Mars Bar
- M Jarrett
Tuesday 2nd July 2024 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - R Burns - 34pts
Second Place - K Keane - 33pts
Ball Rundown
- T Hancock
- L Allsop
- B Jacobson
Saturday 29th June 2024 - Single Stableford
Metcalf Quality Meats Trophy
Overall and A Grade Winner - R Pacheco - 40pts
B Grade Winner - M Fava - 39pts
C Grade Winner - J O'Donnell - 37pts
Gross Winner - Dylan McPhie - 74nett
Ball Rundown
- P Mitchell
- L Allsop
- G Kingdom
- T Marsden
- C Hasrie
- G Dunne
- B Finlay
- P Wall
- B Jacobson
- R Turner
- B Ferrier
- M Gittoes
Winner Ladies - R Kinnane - 36pts
Ball Rundown
- J Hennessy
- D Perkins
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - B Ferrier
- 2nd/11th Ladies - R Kinnane
- 5th/14th Men - C Hastie - 56cm
- 5th/14th Ladies - S Jacobson
- 9th/18th Men - M Fava
- 9th/18th Ladies - C Youngberry - 29cm
- 12th Pro's Approach - T Marsden
Mystery Cards
- J Perkins
- B Morgan
Friday 28th June 2024 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - D Ferrier - 27pts c/b
Runner Up - P Wall - 27pts
Nearest to Pin
- J Robinson Snr
Thursday 27th June 2024 - Single Stableford - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - I Mackinzie - 39pts
Runners Up
- B Bevege - 36
- K Richardson - 35
- I Davis - 35
- R Standing - 35
- B Leeson - 35
- J Robinson Jnr - 35
- W Doran - 34
- J Baker - 34
- W Brown - 34
- B Finlay - 33
- R Burns - 33
- T Lawler - 33
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - K Keane
- 11th - J Baker
- 5th - W Brown
- 14th - C Young
- 9th - B Leeson
- 18th - L Allsop
Mars Bar
- L Newton
Wednesday 26th June 2024 - 2BBB V's Par
Club Trophy
Winners - R Clark & L Gow +4
Winner - Individual - C Husselbee -1
Ball Rundown
- J Leese & C Husselbee +4
- T Thomas & J Pethers +3
2/11 - L Savins
5/14 - L Gow
Nature Walk
J Hennessy & R Robson
Tuesday 25th June 2024 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - R Ware - 35pts
Second Place - P Newman - 34pts c/b
Third Place - W Sully - 34pts
Ball Rundown
- K Keane
- B Finaly
- J Robinson Jnr
- B Ferrier
- T English
- D McPhie
- L Allsop
- B Kinnane
- T Hancock
- M George
5/14 - J Robinson Snr
9/18 - B Ferrier
Sunday 23rd June 2024 - Mixed Foursomes Championships
Gross Champions
- Dylan McPhie & D McPhie - 127
Nett Champions
- J Perkins & D Perkins - 103.75
Nett Winners 18 Holes
- D Ferrier & C Youngberry - 73.5
Nett Winners 9 Holes
- B Kinnane & R Kinnane - 34.75
Saturday 22nd June 2024 - Single Stableford
CPC Pest Control (Jake Clifford Trophy)
Overall and A Grade Winner - G Dunne - 39pts
B Grade Winner - L Allsop - 36pts
C Grade Winner - C Rixon - 37pts
Gross Winner - Dylan McPhie
Ball Rundown
- J Behn
- C Hastie
- M Flaherty
- M Fava
- B Jacobson
- B Finlay
- T Hancock
- B Morgan
- C Bice
- G Kingdom
- B Kessell
Winner Ladies - R Kinnane - 36pts
Ball Rundown
- D McPhie
- J Hennessy
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - B Jacobson
- 2nd/11th Ladies - J Hennessy
- 5th/14th Men - G Dunne
- 5th/14th Ladies - S Jacobson
- 9th/18th Men - B Turner
- 9th/18th Ladies - R Kinnane - 89cm
- 12th Pro's Approach - B Morgan - 89cm
Mystery Cards
- C Rixon
- B Kinnane
Friday 21st June 2024 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - M Flaherty - 27pts
Runner Up - D Samuels - 26pts
Nearest to Pin
- D Ferrier
- C Wagstaff
Thursday 20th June 2024 - 2BBB Stableford - Men's Vets
Overall Winners - B Leeson / S Curtin - 45pts
Runners Up
- P Fay / G Platt - 43
- C Young / L Campbell - 43
- I McKenzie / M Jarrett - 43
- D Perkins / J Perkins - 42
- G Fletcher / B Kinnane - 42
- L Newton / K Richardson - 42
Best Individual Score - L Newton - 40
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - P Fay
- 11th - K Keane
- 5th - S Curtin
- 14th - B Finlay
- 9th - G Fletcher
- 18th - I Davis
Mars Bars
- I Davis / J Campbell
Wednesday 19th June 2024 - Ladies Single Stroke & Putts
Final Round Shirley Payne Eclectic
Thyme Trophy
Winner Shirley Payne Eclectic
- K Fletcher - 64nett
Runner up
- T Thomas - 65nett
A Grade Winner - L Gow - 73nett
Runner up - J Hennessy
B Grade Winner - S Dumbleton - 71 nett
Runner up - T Thomas
Ball Rundown
- J Leese
- A Weaver
- G Ferrier
- H Campbell
Winner Putting
A Grade - K Fletcher - 25 putts
B Grade - H Campbell - 25 putts
Nearest the Pins
- 5th/14th - N Durrant
Nature Walk
- N Durrant
Saturday 15th June 2024 - Single Stroke
Boral Construction Trophy
Overall and C Grade Winner - J Hepple - 65nett
A Grade Winner - R Pacheco - 66nett
B Grade Winner - K Richardson - 71nett c/b
Gross Winner - Dylan McPhie - 76nett c/b
Ball Rundown
- D Ferrier
- B Morgan
- J O'Donnell
- B Ferrier
- M McPhie
- I Davis
- J Perkins
- G Pawsey
- G Kingdom
Ladies Winner
- D McPhie
Ball Rundown
- K Fletcher
- S Jacobson
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - J Perkins
- 2nd/11th Ladies - K Fletcher
- 5th/14th Men - G Fletcher
- 5th/14th Ladies - J Hennessy
- 9th/18th Men -K Richardson 48cm
- 9th/18th Ladies - S Manwarring - In the Hole
- 12th Pro's Approach - D Ferrier
Mystery Cards
- S Jacobson
- G Dunne
Friday 14th June 2024 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - J Mulcahy - 25pts
Runner Up - M McPhie - 23pts
Nearest to Pin
- R Harvey-Williams
Thursday 13th June 2024 - Single Stableford - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - G Smith - 39pts
Runners Up
- B Finlay - 37
- B Kinnane - 36
- E Mackney - 36
- B Ferrier - 35
- B Leeson - 34
- B Kessell - 33
- R Pacheco - 33
- J Robinson Snr - 33
- T Lawler - 32
- P Fay - 32
- C Young - 32
- D Perkins - 32
- T English - 31
- B Bevege - 31
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - J Robinson Snr
- 11th - R Pacheco
- 5th - R Burns
- 14th - R Pacheco
- 9th - E Mackney
- 18th - R Burns
Mars Bar
- J Robinson Jnr
Wednesday 12th June 2024 - Ladies Single Stroke & Putts
1st Round Shirley Payne Eclectic
Kerrie Fletcher Trophy
A Grade Winner - K Fletcher - 67nett
B Grade Winner - H Savins - 75 nett
Ball Rundown
- J Hennessy
- S Black
- S Dumbleton
- G Ferrier
Winner Putting
A Grade - K Fletcher - 22 putts
B Grade - R Clark - 31 putts
Nearest the Pins
- 5th/14th - J Hennessy
Nature Walk
- T Thomas
Tuesday 11th June 2024 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - M George - 33pts
Second Place - B Ferrier - 32pts c/b
Third Place - E Mackney - 32pts
Ball Rundown
- B Finlay
- K Keane
- J Hair
- B Jacobson
- L Campbell
- T English
- B Kinnane
- J Robinson Snr
- W Brown
- R Burns
- P Fay
5/14 - R Turner
9/18 - L Campbell
Saturday 8th June 2024 - Single Stableford
WEH Vets Trophy
Overall and B Grade Winner - T English - 36pts
A Grade Winner - M Gittoes - 35pts
C Grade Winner - B Turner - 31pts
Ball Rundown
- W Ferrier
- J Behn
- C Bice
- Dylan McPhie
- B Ferrier
- B Morgan
- H Pye
- G Dunne
- T Hancock
- M McPhie
- G Pye
- S Curtin
Winner Ladies - R Kinnane- 31pts
Ball Rundown
- S O'Connor
- J Hennessy
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - M Gittoes
- 2nd/11th Ladies - S O'Connor
- 5th/14th Men - JP Mullahy
- 5th/14th Ladies - J Hennessy
- 9th/18th Men - E Mackney
- 9th/18th Ladies - D McPhie
- 12th Pro's Approach - A Peters
Mystery Cards
- R Hayes
- W Ferrier
Friday 7th June 2024 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - J Ferrier - 23pts
Runner Up - R Kinnane - 19pts c/b
Nearest to Pin
- B Bevege
Thursday 6th June 2024 - Single Stroke & Putts - Monthly Mug - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - J Perkins - 68nett
Runner Up - R Pacheco - 71nett
Best Individual Score - R Burns - 78nett
Winner Putting
- B Finlay - 23putts
- G Kingdom
- B Finlay
- E Mackney
- R Park
- T English
- W Brown
- W Kessell
- R Burns
- G Smith
- L Campbell
- K Keane
- B Jacobson
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - M Fava
- 11th - B Leeson
- 5th - G Fletcher
- 14th - T Marsden
- 9th - B Kessell
- 18th - R Pacheco
Wednesday 5th June 2024 - Ladies Single Stroke & Putts - Monthly Medals
Casino RSM Beef Week Trophy
A Grade Winner - S Jacobson
- A Grade Runner up - J Hennessy
B Grade Winner - R Bell
- B Grade Runner up - H Savins
Medal Winners
A Grade - J Hennessy
B Grade - S Jacobson
Ball Rundown
- J Hennessy
- R Robson
- L Gow
- H Savins
Winner Putting
A Grade - J Hennessy
B Grade - S Spiteri
Nearest the Pins
- 5th/14th -R Clark
Tuesday 4th June 2024 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - W Brown - 37pts c/b
Second Place - B Bevege - 37pts
Third Place - B Finlay - 32pts
Ball Rundown
- Dylan McPhie
- G Ware
- W Sully
- E Mackney
- G Kingdom
- R Harvey-Williams
- T English
- J Cullen
- P Fay
- J Robinson Snr
- J Townsend
- M Knox
5/14 - P Newman
9/18 - Dylan McPhie
Saturday 1st June 2024 - Single Stroke & Putts - Monthly Medal
Casino RSM Beef Week Trophy
Overall and B Grade Winner - J Ferrier - 65nett
A Grade Winner - C Bice - 71nett
C Grade Winner - G Pawsey - 68nett
Gross Winner - Dylan McPhie
Ball Rundown
Thanks to the Casino RSM Club Beef Week everyone who didn't win a prize will get a ball
Winner Putting
Men - J Ferrier
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - T Marsden
- 2nd/11th Ladies - D McPhie
- 5th/14th Men - Dylan McPhie
- 5th/14th Ladies -None
- 9th/18th Men -J Ferrier
- 9th/18th Ladies - D McPhie
- 12th Pro's Approach - J Kessell
Mystery Cards
- G Kingdom
- R Pacheco
Friday 31st May 2024 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - M Grealy - 18pts c/b
Runner Up - D Ferrier - 18pts
Thursday 30th May 2024 - V's Par - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - C Young - +3
Runners Up
- G Fletcher
- R Pacheco
- T English
- B Bevege
- W Doran
- W Brown
- C Rixon
- J Baker
- R Park
- L Allsop
- K Keane
- G Platt
- 2nd - B Jacobson
- 11th - B Finlay
- 5th - R Park
- 14th - W Doran
- 9th - B Bevege
- 18th - C Young
Mars Bar
M Jarrett
Wednesday 29th May 2024 - 2BBB Stableford
Lindy Gow & Robyn Clark Trophy
Winners - C Husselbee & G Ferrier
Winner - Individual - G Ferrier
Ball Rundown
- R Clark / L Gow
- H Savins / R Kinnane
2/11 - None
5/14 - None
9/18 - J Hennessy / T Thomas
Nature Walk
H Campbell / S Spiteri
Tuesday 28th May 2024 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - B Jones - 37pts
Second Place - J Hair - 34pts
Third Place - M George - 33pts
Ball Rundown
- R Ware
- T English
- G Ireland
- J Robinson Snr
- G Dunne
- T Hancock
- E Mackney
- J Townsend
- K Keane
- P O'Connor
5/14 - B Ferrier
9/18 - T Hancock
Saturday 24th May 2024 - Single Stableford
Wayne Doran Trophy
Overall and A Grade Winner - B Bevege - 38pts
B Grade Winner - J Robinson Snr - 37pts
C Grade Winner - D Perkins - 32pts c/b
Gross Winner - M Flaherty
Ball Rundown
- J Kessell
- D Ferrier
- C Bice
- M Fava
- E Mackney
- J Mulcahy
- C Hastie
- L Allsop
- B Jacobson
- J Behn
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - J Mulcahy
- 2nd/11th Ladies - K Fletcher
- 5th/14th Men - C Bice
- 5th/14th Ladies - D Perkins
- 9th/18th Men - K Richardson
- 9th/18th Ladies - None
- 12th Pro's Approach - B Morgan 161cm
Mystery Cards
- B Kinnane
- J Kessell
Friday 24th May 2024 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - B Bevege - 30pts
Runner Up - G Fletcher - 23pts c/b
Thursday 23rd May 2024 - Single Stableford - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - J Perkins - 34pts
Runners Up
- B Kessell - 33
- R Burns - 33
- R Ware - 29
- L Allsop - 29
- J Hepple - 29
- T English - 28
- M Fava - 27
- J Baker - 27
- G Fletcher - 27
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - G Fletcher
- 11th - B Finlay
- 5th - None
- 14th - T Marsden
- 9th - B Bevege
- 18th - None
Nature Walk
- G Platt
Wednesday 1st May 2024 - Ladies Single Stroke & Putts
Club Trophy
A Grade Winner - K Fletcher - 77 nett
B Grade Winner - C Husselbee - 77 nett
Medal Winners
A Grade - K Fletcher
B Grade - C Husselbee
Ball Rundown
- L Savins
- L Bolger
- S Jacobson
- R Bell
Winner Putting
A Grade - K Fletcher
B Grade - R Kinnane
Nearest the Pins
- 5th/14th -K Fletcher
Tuesday 30th April 2024 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - E Mackney - 39pts
Second Place - J Robinson Snr - 35pts c/b
Third Place - K Keane - 35pts
Ball Rundown
- B Ferrier
- B Bevege
- D Ferrier
- B Finlay
- J Robinson Jnr
- J Baker
- L Allsop
- P Newman
- C Young
- P O'Connor
5/14 - K Keane
9/18 - L Allsop
Saturday 27th April 2024 - American Foursomes
Jim & Di Perkins Trophy
Overall Winners - C Rixon / M Lee
Runners Up - G Casey / J Baker
Ball Rundown
- M Gittoes / B Morgan
- B Leeson / A Irvine
- R Ware / W Doran
- J O'Donnell / G Dunne
- C Bice / P Newman
- J Robinson Jnr / J Robinson Snr
- G Kingdom / C Hastie
- D Ferrier / G Pawsey
- M Flaherty / J Behn
- P Wall / W Legge
Nearest the Pin
5th - J Baker / G Casey
14th - G Dunne / J O'Donnell
Pro's Approach
J Robinson Jnr / J Robinson Snr
Mystery Cards
- J O'Donnell
- J Perkins
Friday 26th April 2024 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - M Grealy - 25pts
Runner Up - Mitch McPhie - 24pts
Thursday 25th April 2024 - Single Stableford - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - C Bice - 36pts
Runners Up
- G Kingdom - 35
- G Irvine - 34
- T English - 33
- R Pacheco - 32 c/b
- J Robinson Jnr - 32
- J Robinson Snr - 31
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - J Robinson Jnr
- 11th - R Pacheco
- 5th - J Robinson Jnr
- 14th - None
- 9th - R Burns
- 18th - None
Nature Walk
- G Fletcher
Wednesday 24th April 2024 - V's Par
Gail Ferrier Trophy
Winner A Grade - K Fletcher -5
Winner B Grade - T Thomas -7
Ball Rundown
- L Savins
- J Leese
- R Bell
- L Bolger
2/11 - J Hennessy
5/14 - J Leese
9/18 - C Husselbee
Nature Walk
S Spiteri
Tuesday 23rd April 2024 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - E Mackney - 39pts
Second Place - R Ware - 36pts
Third Place - J Hair - 34pts
Ball Rundown
- B Bevege
- J Baker
- G Kingdom
- R Harvey-Williams
- G Dunne
- W Brown
- B Ferrier
- R Park
- T English
- J Robinson Jnr
- L Allsop
5/14 - S O'Connor
9/18 - None
Saturday 20th April 2024 - Single Stroke
Greg & Kerrie Fletcher Trophy
Overall and A Grade Winner - M Gittoes - 67nett
B Grade Winner - R Pacheco - 70nett
C Grade Winner - J Hepple - 70nett c/b
Ball Rundown
- M Sneesby
- B Morgan
- M Lee
- Deb McPhie
- C Rixon
- E Mackney
- B Jacobson
- G Kingdom
- B Finlay
- C Bice
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - Dylan McPhie
- 2nd/11th Ladies - Deb McPhie
- 5th/14th Men - M McPhie
- 5th/14th Ladies -None
- 9th/18th Men - R Pacheco
- 9th/18th Ladies - S Jacobson
- 12th Pro's Approach - M Sneesby
Mystery Cards
- J Hepple
- B Finlay
Friday 19th April 2024 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - Debbie McPhie - 24pts c/b
Runner Up - P O'Connor - 24pts
Wednesday 17th April 2024 - Ladies Single Stroke & Putts - Vets Country Championships
C Husselbee & J Leese Trophy
A Grade Winner - J Hennessy - 71 nett
B Grade Winner - L Bolger - 70 nett
Ball Rundown
- S Black
- L Gow
- N Durant
- L Jeffery
- C Youngberry
Winner Putting
A Grade - J Hennessy - 26putts
B Grade - L Bolger - 28 putts
Nearest the Pins
- 5th/14th - R Clark
Nature Walk
- H Campbell
Tuesday 16th April 2024 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - Dylan McPhie - 36pts
Second Place - M George - 34pts c/b
Third Place - L Allsop - 34pts c/b
Ball Rundown
- K Keane
- C Hastie
- P O'Connor
- B Ferrier
- D McPhie
- J Baker
- C Bice
5/14 - K Keane
9/18 - None
Saturday 13th April 2024 - 4 Person Ambrose
Steve and Michelle Patterson Trophy
Overall Winners - J Ferrier, D Ferrier, W Legge, M Ferrier
Runners Up - K Richardson, C Cooksey, M Lee, C Rixon
- A Irvine, M Fava, J Hepple, B Leeson
- C Hastie, S Bradley, J Behn, G Kingdom
- G Fletcher, K Fletcher, R Kinnane, B Kinnane
Nearest the Pin
Men - 2/11 - B Jacobson
Ladies 2/11 - None
Men - 5/14 - A Peters
Ladies 5/14 - G Ferrier
Men - 9/18 - C Hastie
Ladies 9/18 - J Hennessy
Mystery Cards
C Rixon, J Ferrier
Friday 12th April 2024 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - B Bevege - 22pts
Runner Up - Dylan McPhie - 18pts c/b
Thursday 11th April 2024 - Single Stroke & Putts - Monthly Mug - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - B Ferrier
Runner Up - W Kessell
Best Individual Score - R Burns
- W Brown
- L Allsop
- T Hancock
- D Ferrier
- M Fava
- E Mackney
- B Kinnane
- R Pacheco
- R Burns
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - R Ware
- 11th - L Allsop
- 5th - B Finlay
- 14th - E Mackney
- 9th - G Platt
- 18th
Mars Bar
- J Campbell
Wednesday 10th April 2024 - Ladies Single Stroke & Putts
WEHGC Vets Trophy
A Grade Winner - L Jeffery - 72 nett
B Grade Winner - G Ferrier - 73 nett
Ball Rundown
- J Hennessy
- L Bolger
- L Gow
- R Robson
- K Fletcher
- J Leese
- R Clark
- A Grade - J Hennessy
- B Grade - H Savins
Nearest the Pins
- 5th/14th - L Gow
Nature Walk
- N Durant
Tuesday 9th April 2024 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - B Spencer - 39pts
Second Place - J Robinson Jnr - 38pts
Third Place - G Fletcher - 37pts
Ball Rundown
- J Robinson Snr
- B Ferrier
- D Oliver
- B Jacobson
- B Kinnane
- K Keane
- W Brown
- G Kingdom
- Dylan McPhie
- T Hancock
- D Ferrier
5/14 - D Ferrier
9/18 - G Ware
Saturday 6th April 2024 - Single Stroke & Putts - Monthly Medal
WEHGC Trophy
Overall and A Grade Winner - C Brice - 67nett
B Grade Winner - J Ferrier - 69nett Mug Winner
C Grade Winner - J Hepple - 71nett
Gross Winner - Dylan McPhie
Ball Rundown
- D Samuels
- G Dunne
- M Knox
- B Finlay
- G Irvine
- R Pacheco
- B Spencer
- M Flaherty
- P Wall
- S Curtin
- B Morgan
Winner Putting
Men - R Hayes 24 putts c/b
Winner - D McPhie
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - M McPhie
- 2nd/11th Ladies - None
- 5th/14th Men - B Spencer
- 5th/14th Ladies -None
- 9th/18th Men - M Knox
- 9th/18th Ladies - D McPhie
- 12th Pro's Approach - J Robinson Jnr 18cm
Mystery Cards
- Dylan McPhie
- B Finlay
Wednesday 3rd April 2024 - Ladies Single Stroke & Putts
Club Trophy
A Grade Winner - R Clark - 69 nett
B Grade Winner - S Black - 70 nett
Medal Winners
A Grade - J Leese
B Grade - R Clark
C Grade - J Pethers
Ball Rundown
- S Spiteri
- H Graney
- J Leese
- C Husselbee
- J Hennessy
- L Gow
Winner Putting
A Grade - J Hennessy
B Grade - G Ferrier
Nearest the Pins
- 5th/14th - S Black
Vets Winners
February - C Youngberry, J Hennessy
March - R Bell, S Jacobson
Nature Walk
- A Youngberry
Tuesday 2nd April 2024 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - B Kinnane - 40pts
Second Place - B Spencer - 37pts c/b
Third Place - W Brown - 37pts c/b
Ball Rundown
- F Murdock
- D Ferrier
- G Kingdom
- Dylan McPhie
- E Mackney
- P Newman
- J Perkins
- G Dunne
- B Ferrier
- K Keane
- L Campbell
5/14 - B Spencer
9/18 - K Keane
Saturday 30th March 2024 - Single Stableford
WEHGC Trophy
Overall and B Grade Winner - J Kessel l- 38pts
A Grade Winner - J Robinson Jnr - 37pts c/b
C Grade Winner - J Townsend - 37pts c/b
Gross Winner - B Morgan
Ball Rundown
- J Hepple
- D Samuels
- M Gittoes
- W Kessell
- G Pawsey
- S Murray
- Michael Gittoes
- B Bevege
- E Mackney
- R Harvey-Williams
- R Graham
- S Bradley
- L Allsop
- T Hancock
- M Fava
Ladies Winner - D Cullen
Ladies Ball Rundown
- R Kinnane
- J Towner
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - S Murrpy
- 2nd/11th Ladies - D Cullen
- 5th/14th Men - B Morgan
- 5th/14th Ladies - None
- 9th/18th Men - S Bradley
- 9th/18th Ladies - K Fletcher
- 12th Pro's Approach - B Morgan
Mystery Cards
- R Graham
- M Fava
Friday 29th March 2024 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - N Scully - 27pts
Runner Up - M Grealy - 26pts c/b
Thursday 28th March 2024 - Single Stableford - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - J Perkins - 37pts c/b
Runners Up
- S Curtin - 37
- M Fava - 37
- B Jacobson - 35
- E Mackney - 35
- J Kessell - 35
- J Hepple - 32
- G Downes - 32
- L Allsop - 32
- T Hancock - 31
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - J Robinson Jnr
- 11th - G Downes
- 5th - J Robinson Jnr
- 14th - K Richardson
- 9th - B Leeson
- 18th - None
Nature Walk
- P Fay
Wednesday 27th March 2024 - 2BBB Stableford
Evans Head Newsagency / Sand and Stone Trophy
Winners - J Hennessy / K Fletcher - 62pts
Winner - Individual - L Jeffery - 32pts
Ball Rundown
- R Bell / S Jacobson
- L Jeffery / M Patterson
2/11 - R Bell / S Jacobson
5/14 - J Hennessy / K Fletcher
9/18 - L Gow / R Clark
Nature Walk
L Savins / H Savins
Tuesday 26th March 2024 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - J Robinson Jnr - 38pts
Second Place - J Kessell - 37pts
Ball Rundown
- R Burns
- L Allsop
5/14 - T Hancock
9/18 - None
Saturday 23rd March 2024 - Single Stableford
J Robinson Snr & J Robinson Jnr Family Trophy
Overall and B Grade Winner - J Ferrier - 39pts c/b
A Grade Winner - C Brice - 39pts
C Grade Winner - J Hepple - 38pts
Gross Winner - Dylan McPhie
Ball Rundown
- P Taylor - R/up B Grade
- D Ferrier - R/up A Grade
- W Legge - R/up C Grade
- E Mackney
- J Robinson Jnr
- G Fletcher
- T Hancock
- P Wall
- M Gittoes
- B Leeson
- B Ferrier
- L Allsop
- B Bevege
- B Jacobson
- J Perkins
Ladies Winner - S O'Connor - 35pts c/b
Ladies Ball Rundown
- T Thomas - R/up - Ladies
- R Taylor
- C Youngberry
- J Hennessy
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - B Bevege
- 2nd/11th Ladies - J Hennessy
- 5th/14th Men - B Bevege
- 5th/14th Ladies - S O'Connor
- 9th/18th Men - None
- 9th/18th Ladies - D McPhie
- 12th Pro's Approach - P Wall
Nature Walk
Men - S Toppenberg
Ladies - N Durant
Mystery Cards
- E Mackney
- J Hepple
Friday 22nd March 2024 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - J Ferrier - 28pts
Runner Up - M Knox - 27pts
Wednesday 20th March 2024 - Single Stableford
H Savins Trophy
Winner A Grade - L Jeffery - 36pts
Winner B Grade - A Weaver - 34pts
Ball Rundown
- R Bell
- R Robson
- S Jacobson
- S Black
- L Bolger
- J Leese
2/11 - L Bolger
5/14 - None
9/18 - R Bell
Nature Walk
J Pethers
Tuesday 19th March 2024 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - K Keane - 36pts
Second Place - B Bevege - 35pts
Third Place - T Hancock - 34pts
Ball Rundown
- S O'Connor
- L Campbell
- L Allsop
- G Kingdom
- B Kinnane
- W Brown
- J Robinson Jnr
- B Finlay
- G Dunne
- G Ireland
- J Perkins
- K Fletcher
5/14 - J Robinson Snr
9/18 - K Keane
Saturday 16th March 2024 - Single Stableford
Troy Newman Memorial Trophy
Overall and C Grade Winner - S Wager - 37pts c/b
A Grade Winner - G Kingdom - 36pts
B Grade Winner - J Perkins - 37pts
Gross Winner - Dylan McPhie
Ball Rundown
- M McPhie
- C Hastie
- D Ferrier
- R Harvey-Williams
- M Fava
- J Robinson Snr
- R Pacheco
- L Allsop
- J Hepple
- S Wager
Ladies Winner
- D McPhie
Ladies Ball Rundown
- K Fletcher
- D Perkins
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - D McPhie
- 2nd/11th Ladies - R Kinnane
- 5th/14th Men - D Ferrier
- 5th/14th Ladies - None
- 9th/18th Men - G Dunne
- 9th/18th Ladies - J Hennessy
- 12th Pro's Approach - C Cooksey - 63cm
Mystery Cards
- L Allsop
- G Dunne
Friday 15th March 2024 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - W Legge - 24pts
Runner Up - P O'Connor - 20pts
Wednesday 13th March 2024 - Ladies Canadian Foursomes
H Campbell and J Hennessy Trophy
Overall Winners - L Jeffery / L Savins
Runner Up - L Bolger / J Hennessy
Ball Rundown
- C Picton / C Powell
- C Youngberry / H Graney
- K Fletcher / M Palfrey
- K Fletcher - Plovers Nest
- M Pulfrey
Nature Walk
- H Campbell / S Spiteri
Thursday 14th March 2024 - 2BBB Stableford - Men's Vets
Overall Winners - G Fletcher / B Kinnane - 45
Runners Up - G Smith / W Sully - 42 c/b
- S Colless / B Leeson - 42
- G Kingdom / G Platt - 42
- T Hancock / L Allsop - 41
Best Individual Score
- W Sully - 39
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - R Standing
- 11th - T Lawler
- 5th - B Kinnane
- 14th - None
- 9th - S Curtin
- 18th - None
Mars Bar
- J Robinson Snr / J Robinson Jnr
Tuesday 12th March 2024 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - T Hancock - 34pts c/b
Second Place - L Allsop - 34pts
Third Place - P Taylor - 33pts
Ball Rundown
- Dylan McPhie
- G Kingdom
- S O'Connor
- J Cullen
- J Gadowski
Monday 11th March 2024 - WEHGC Ladies Open Day - Single Stableford
A Grade Winner - C Picton - 38pts
Runner up - R Robson - 34pts
B Grade Winner - M Killian - 36pts
Runner up - P Cadowski - 34pts
C Grade Winner - M Palfrey - 33pts
Runner up - M Nowland - 33pts c/b
Senior Vet Winner - M Garred - 33pts
9 Holes Out - T Hogg
9 Holes In - J Campbell
Nearest the Pins
A Grade - 5th/14th - D Ashcroft
B Grade - 2nd/11th - C Warren
C Grade - 9th/18th - M Palfrey
Nature Walk
- R Bell
Saturday 9th March 2024 - Single Stableford
Bill & Rosanne Kinnane Trophy
Overall and B Grade Winner - B Turner
A Grade Winner - G Kingdom
C Grade Winner - C Edwards
Gross Winner - G Kingdom
Ball Rundown
- S Wager
- S Bradley
- C Cooslet
- J Ferrier
- B Taylor
- B Bevege
- B Ferrier
- B Kinnane
- L Allsop
- S Wager
Ladies Winner
- S O'Connor
Ladies Ball Rundown
- C Youngberry
- D McPhie
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - None
- 2nd/11th Ladies - C Youngberry
- 5th/14th Men - D Ferrier
- 5th/14th Ladies -S Jacobson
- 9th/18th Men -B Bevege
- 9th/18th Ladies - D McPhie
- 12th Pro's Approach - C Hastie - 20cm
Mystery Cards
- J Mulcahy
- M McPhie
Friday 8th March 2024 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - S Colless - 28pts
Runner Up - P Wall - 24pts c/b
Thursday 7th March 2024 - Single Stroke & Putts - Monthly Mug - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - G Kingdom - 68 nett
Runner Up - J Baker - 68 nett
Best Individual Score - G Kingdom
- B Jacobson - 69
- R Ware - 71
- W Brown - 72
- B Bevege - 73
- L Campbell - 73
- K Keane - 74
- G Smith - 74
- G Fletcher - 75
- J Campbell - 75
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - G Kingdom - In the hole
- 11th - T Lawler - In the hole
- 5th - R Park
- 14th - None
- 9th - K Keane
- 18th -G Smith - In the hole
Putting Winner - J Campbell - 26
Mars Bar
- B Finlay
Wednesday 6th March 2024 - Ladies Single Stroke & Putts
Club Trophy
A Grade Winner - J Hennessy
B Grade Winner - S Black
Medal Winners
A Grade - J Hennessy
B Grade - S Black
C Grade - N Durant
Ball Rundown
- H Campbell
- L Jeffery
- M Palfrey
- G Ferrier
- R Kinnane
Winner Putting
A Grade - L Jeffery
B Grade - R Kinnane
Nearest the Pins
- 5th/14th - None
Nature Walk
- H Savins
Tuesday 5th March 2024 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - S Wager - 40pts
Second Place - D Ferrier - 36pts
Third Place - L Allsop - 35pts
Ball Rundown
- M George
- S O'Connor
- R Kinnane
- B Kinnane
- G Dunne
- K Keane
- L Campbell
5/14 - T Hancock - 176cm
9/18 - L Campbell
Saturday 2nd March 2024 - Single Stroke & Putts - Monthly Medal
F Murdock, T Hawkins & R Grissell Trophy
Overall and C Grade Winner - C Edwards 68nett
A Grade Winner - J Robinson Jnr - 69nett
B Grade Winner - P Newman - 72nett
Gross Winner - Dylan McPhie
Ball Rundown
- B Morgan
- M Sneesby
- G Irvine
- C Cooksey
- M Gittoes
- C Bice
- J Perkins
- C Hastie
- J Hepple
Winner Putting
Men - J Robinson Jnr - 24 putts
Ladies - D Perkins - 27 putts
Winner - D McPhie
Runner up
- R Robson
- G Ferrier
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - J Robinson Snr Hole In One
- 2nd/11th Ladies - R Kinnane
- 5th/14th Men - C Cooksey
- 5th/14th Ladies - D Perkins
- 9th/18th Men - J Robinson Jnr
- 9th/18th Ladies - D McPhie - in the hole
- 12th Pro's Approach - C Edwards
Congratulations J Robinson Snr - Hole In One on 11th
Mystery Cards
- R Turner
- C Hastie
Friday 1st March 2024 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - B Bevege - 28pts
Runner Up - S O'Connor - 21pts
Thursday 29th February 2024 - V'S Par - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - T English - +3
Runners Up
- J Baker
- B Finlay
- L Campbell
- J Townsend
- G Kingdom
- B Jacobson
- B Leeson
- J Robinson Snr
- G Platt
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - K Keane
- 11th - J Robinson Snr
- 5th - T English
- 14th - G Platt
- 9th - B Finlay
- 18th - G Kingdom
Mars Bar
- B Kinnane
Wednesday 28th February 2024 - Single Stableford
Club Trophy
Winner A Grade - L Jeffery - +1
Winner B Grade - T Thomas - +1
Ball Rundown
- L Savins
- R Kinnane
- L Gow
- C Youngberry
2/11 - J Hennessy
5/14 - L Bolger
9/18 - N Durant
Nature Walk - H Savins
Tuesday 27th February 2024 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - K Keane - 37pts - c/b
Second Place - T English - 37pts
Third Place - J Baker - 34pts
Ball Rundown
- J Robinson Jnr
- B Ferrier
- Dylan McPhie
- J Perkins
- L Allsop
- B Kinnane
- G Burley
- S Wager
- G Kingdom
- R Kinnane
- G Dunne
- M George
5/14 - J Robinson Snr
9/18 - None
Saturday 24th February 2024 - Single Stableford
WEHGC Trophy
Overall and B Grade Winner - L Gadsby - 41pts
A Grade Winner - G Kingdom - 39pts
C Grade Winner - B Mayes - 36pts
Gross Winner - B Spencer
Ball Rundown
- J Robinson Jnr
- P Wall
- Dylan McPhie
- B Morgan
- G Irvine
- M Gittoes
- M Sneesby
- G Dunne
- T Lawler
- S Wager
Winner Ladies
- J Hennessy - 34pts c/b
Ball Rundown
- S Oconnor
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - M Sneesby
- 2nd/11th Ladies - J Hennessy
- 5th/14th Men - L Gadsby
- 5th/14th Ladies - D McPhie - 2cm
- 9th/18th Men - D Jones
- 9th/18th Ladies - J Hennessy
- 12th Pro's Approach - W Prentice
Congratulations R Harvey-Williams Eagle on 3
Mystery Cards
- B Morgan
-J Perkins
Friday 23rd February 2024 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - P Newman - 30pts
Runner Up - G Smith - 28pts
Thursday 22nd February 2024 - Single Stableford - Men's Vets - Casino Visit
Overall Winner- S Colless - 36pts
Runners Up
- B Jacobson - 33
- J Robinson Jnr - 32
- T English - 32
- T Hancock - 31
- J Baker - 31
- J Robinson Snr - 31
Overall Winner - W Nowland - 34pts
Runners Up
- T Patch
- R Black
- C Mcclymont
- P Brophy
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - P Brophy
- 11th - L Bonner
- 5th - K Keane
- 14th - T Hancock
- 9th - P Brophy
- 18th - L Allsop
Wednesday 21st February 2024 - Ladies Single Stroke & Putts
Club Trophy
A Grade Winner - K Fraser
B Grade Winner - S Black
Ball Rundown
- J Hennessy
- C Youngberry
- G Ferrier
- R Clark
- S Spiteri
- N Durant
- L Jeffery
Winner Putting
A Grade - L Savins - 27putts
B Grade - R Kinnane - 29putts
Nearest the Pins
- 5th/14th None
Nature Walk
- S Jacobson
Tuesday 20th February 2024 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - J Robinson Jnr - 41pts
Second Place - S O'Connor - 35pts
Third Place - B Finlay - 34pts
Ball Rundown
- T Hancock
- J Robinson Snr
- K Keane
- B Jacobson
- P Newman
- G Kingdom
- E Mackney
- T English
- Dylan McPhie
- R Ware
- P Fay
5/14 - J Robinson Jnr
9/18 - K Keane
Saturday 17th February 2024 - Single Stableford
Grant and Debbie Pawsey Trophy
Overall and A Grade Winner - Mitch McPhie - 39pts c/b
B Grade Winner - S Colless - 39pts
C Grade Winner - J Hepple - 38pts
Gross Winner - B Spencer
Ball Rundown
- G Kingdom
- G Irvine
- Dylan McPhie
- O Spencer
- M Sneesby
- M Flaherty
- G Dunne
- P Wall
- P Mulherin
Winner Ladies
- M MacGinley - 34pts
Ball Rundown
- M Dawes
- N Neinert
- C Fogo
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - B Spencer
- 2nd/11th Ladies - R Robson
- 5th/14th Men - C Brice
- 5th/14th Ladies - None
- 9th/18th Men - P Newman
- 9th/18th Ladies - R Robson
- 12th Pro's Approach - M Flaherty
Mystery Cards
- S Wager
- K Richardson
Thursday 15th February 2024 - 2BBB Stableford - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - B Parsons / J Panter - 50
Runner Up - B Leeson / T Lawler - 43
- J Robinson Jnr / J Robinson Snr - 42
- P Fay / C Young - 42
- R Standing / R Park - 42
Best Individual Score - K Richardson - 39
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - J Robinson Jnr
- 11th - B Munro
- 5th - W Brown
- 14th - G Platt
- 9th - B Leeson
- 18th - K Keane
Mars Bar
- C Rixon / J Campbell
Wednesday 14th February 2024 - Single Stableford
Club Trophy
Winner A Grade - L Gow - 39pts
Winner B Grade - L Savins
Ball Rundown
- J Hennessy
- C Youngberry
- C Husselbee
- S Black
- S Jacobson
- H Savins
2/11 - L Gow
5/14 - L Gow
9/18 - M Meagher
Nature Walk - J Pethers
Tuesday 13th February 2024 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - B Finlay - 39pts
Second Place - S Colless - 37pts
Third Place - J Baker - 36pts
Ball Rundown
- G Kingdom
- G Burmaster
- P Fay
- T Hancock
- Dylan McPhie
- C Strong
- W Brown
5/14 - G Fletcher
9/18 - S Colless
Saturday 10th February 2024 - 2BBB Stableford - Club Trophy
Overall Winners - C Cooksey / J O'Donnell - 46pts
Runners Up - G Irvine / J Hepple - 43pts
Individual Winner - G Pawsey
Ball Rundown
- J Baker
- C Strong
- B Spencer
- Dylan McPhie
- R Harvey-Williams
- S Colless
- D McPhie
- M McPhie
- G Kingdom
- C Hastie
- C Brice
- C Rixon
Ladies Winner - D McPhie
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - A Irvine
- 2nd/11th Ladies - R Robson
- 5th/14th Men - G Fletcher
- 5th/14th Ladies - J Hennessy
- 9th/18th Men - None
- 9th/18th Ladies - K Fletcher
- 12th Pro's Approach - G Dunne
Mystery Cards
- J Baker
- S Wager
Friday 9th February 2024 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - Rhonan Clark - 27pts
Thursday 8th February 2024 - Single Stableford - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - G Platt - 36pts
Runners Up
- K Keane - 35
- R Burns - 33
- G Young - 30
- J Baker - 29
- T Hancock - 28
- P Fay - 26
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - R Burns
- 11th - None
- 5th - None
- 14th - None
- 9th - R Standing
- 18th - None
Mars Bar
- W Brown
Wednesday 7th February 2024 - Ladies Single Stroke & Putts
Club Trophy
A Grade Winner - L Gow
B Grade Winner - R Kinnane
Ball Rundown
- R Robson
- S Jacobson
- C Youngberry
- G Ferrier
Winner Putting
A Grade - L Gow - 26putts
B Grade - R Kinnane - 28c/b
Nearest the Pins
- 5th/14th S Jacobson & R Kinnane
Nature Walk
- N Durant
Tuesday 6th February 2024 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - G Fletcher - 43pts
Second Place - R Kinnane - 40pts
Third Place - J Baker - 38pts
Ball Rundown
- E Mackney
- K Keane
- P Fay
- J Robinson Jnr
- D Ferrier
- Dylan McPhie
- R Smith
- M George
- B Leeson
- F Murdock
- L Allsop
- B Spencer
5/14 - Dylan McPhie
9/18 - E Mackney
Thursday 1st February 2024 - Single Stroke & Putts - Monthly Mug - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - S Curtin - 67 nett
Gross Winner - R Burns
Putting Winner - L Allsop / B Ferrier
- B Finlay - 67
- R Burns - 68
- C Young - 68
- B Ferrier - 69
- B Jacobson - 69
- L Campbell - 70
- W Kessell - 71
- J Robinson Jnr - 71
- L Allsop - 72
- F Murdock - 72
- B Leeson - 73
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - S Colless
- 11th - T Hancock
- 5th - F Murdock
- 14th - R Burns
- 9th - M Fava
- 18th - None
Mars Bar
- B Munro
Wednesday 31st January 2024 - Ladies Single Stableford
Winner - K Fletcher - 35pts
Tuesday 30th January 2024 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - G Kingdom - 39pts
Second Place - R Burns - 37pts
Third Place - B Ferrier - 36pts c/b
Ball Rundown
- E Mackney
- R Ware
- R Park
- G Dunne
- J Perkins
- J Robinson Snr
- K Keane
- S Colless
- J Townsend
- C Young
- J Baker
5/14 - R Burns
9/18 - E Mackney
Saturday 27th January 2024 - Single Stroke & Putts - Monthly Medal for February
J O'Donnell & I Delves Trophy
Overall and B Grade Winner - S Bradley - 66nett c/b
A Grade Winner - B Morgan - 67nett
C Grade Winner - T Llewellyn - 66nett
Gross Winner - Dylan McPhie - 73nett
Ball Rundown
- T Hancock
- C Cooksey
- J Robinson Snr
- G Ware
- B Collson
- G Irvine
- D Samuels
- J Ferrier
- E Mackney
- D Ferrier
- M Fava
- B Taylor
Winner Putting
Men - B Morgan - 24 putts
Ladies - D Perkins - 30 putts
Ladies Winner - T Thomas - 75nett c/b
Ladies Runner up
- J Llewellyn
- K Fletcher
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - T Hancock
- 2nd/11th Ladies - S Jacobson
- 5th/14th Men - K Llewellyn
- 5th/14th Ladies -None
- 9th/18th Men - K Richardson - 33cm
- 9th/18th Ladies - C Youngberry
- 12th Pro's Approach - M Flaherty
- Congratulations B Morgan Eagle 6th
- K Richardson - Plovers Nest - 9/18
Mystery Cards
- E Mackney
- S Jacobson
Friday 26th January 2024 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - B Morgan - 27pts c/b
Runner Up - Dylan McPhie - 27pts
Thursday 25th January 2024 - Single Stableford - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - B Kessell - 38pts
Runners Up
- J Robinson Jnr - 38
- J Perkins - 38
- P Brown - 38
- J Hepple - 37
- E Mackney - 37
- G Ireland - 37
- B Munro - 37
- B Ferrier - 37
- J Baker - 36
- C Young - 36
- R Burns - 36
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - R Burns
- 11th - T Hancock
- 5th - G Platt
- 14th - J Campbell
- 9th - J Robinson Snr
- 18th - J Baker
Mars Bar
- F Murdock
Wednesday 24th January 2024 - Single Stableford
Winner - T Thomas - 34pts
Ball Rundown
- K Fletcher
- C Youngberry
Tuesday 23rd January 2024 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - F Murdock - 40pts
Second Place - M Sharpe - 39pts
Third Place - S Jacobson - 38pts c/b
Ball Rundown
- B Finlay
- R Harvey-Williams
- G Dunne
- D McPhie
- C Young
- L Campbell
- S Colless
- T Hawkins
- T Hancock
- G Smith
- W Sully
- E Mackney
5/14 - M Lee
9/18 - G Kingdom
Saturday 20th January 2024 - Single Stableford
WEHGC Trophy
Overall and C Grade Winner - F Murdock - 42pts
A Grade Winner - G Dunne - 40pts
B Grade Winner - G Fletcher - 41pts
Gross Winner - B Spencer
Ball Rundown
- T Lawler
- M Sneesby
- R Hayes
- C Edwards
- B Jacobson
- K Richardson
- K Keane
- B Morgan
- J O'Donnell
- C Hastie
Ladies Winner
- D McPhie - 36pts
Ladies Ball Rundown
- J Pethers
- S Jacobson
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - J Robinson Jnr
- 2nd/11th Ladies - T Thomas
- 5th/14th Men - M McPhie
- 5th/14th Ladies - D McPhie
- 9th/18th Men - G Fletcher - 106cm
- 9th/18th Ladies - S Manwarring
- 12th Pro's Approach - Dylan McPhie
Mystery Cards
- B Morgan
- D Ferrier
Friday 19th January 2024 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - J Ferrier - 27pts
Runner Up - O Spencer - 26pts
Thursday 18th January 2024 - 2B Agg Stableford - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - J Baker / P Fay - 71
Runner Up - R Burns / B Kessell - 69
- R Park / F Murdock - 68
- T Lawler / S Brieley - 68
- G Platt / C Young - 68
- B Ferrier / D Ferrier - 67
Best Individual Score - G Platt - 37
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - D Ferrier ( In the Hole)
- 11th - T English
- 5th - J Baker
- 14th - G Fletcher
- 9th - K Keane
- 18th - J Robinson Jnr
Mars Bar
- G Ireland / T English
Tuesday 16th January 2024 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - B Kinnane - 39pts
Second Place - B Ferrier - 37pts
Third Place - B Spencer - 35pts
Ball Rundown
- B Finlay
- D McPhie
- Dylan McPhie
- B Jacobson
- D Ferrier
- G Dunne
- G Kingdom
- T English
- R Burns
- B Spencer
5/14 - Dylan McPhie
9/18 - R Harvey-Williams
Sunday 14th January 2024 - Woodburn-Evans Head Golf Club Charity Day
Sponsored By Evans Head Old Boys
1st Place - M Flaherty, C Flaherty, D Samuels
Team - Graham
Team - Turner
Team - Wall
Team - Pursey
Team - Robinson
Team - Spencer
Team - M McPhie
Team - Powell
Team - Scells
Team - Milton
Team - Schmitt
Pins Mens
2/11 - Nil
5/14 - D McKenna
9/18 - J Robinson Jnr
Pins Ladies
2/11 - D Perkins
5/14 - G Ferrier
9/18 - L Moore
Saturday 13th January 2024 - Single Stroke
Rob Duncan (Riverside Cafe Woodburn) Trophy
Overall and C Grade Winner - J Hepple - 66nett
B Grade Winner - Mitch McPhie - 67nett
A Grade Winner - M Scurr - 68nettc/b
Gross Winner - Dylan McPhie
Ball Rundown
- R Harvey-Williams
- B Kyran
- B Leeson
- T Drinnen
- C Hastie
- M Flaherty
- J Robinson Jnr
- G Dunne
- M Sneesby
- G Irvine
- J Robinson Snr
- G Ware
- G Taylor
- M Gittoes
Ladies Winner - T Thomas - 74nett c/b
Ladies Runners Up
- D McPhie
- S O'Connor
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - G Dunne - 37cm
- 2nd/11th Ladies - R Robson
- 5th/14th Men - J Behn
- 5th/14th Ladies -None
- 9th/18th Men - R Turner
- 9th/18th Ladies - G Ferrier - 37cm
- 12th Pro's Approach - Dylan McPhie - 72cm
Mystery Cards
- M Gittoes
- J Robinson Jnr
Friday 12th January 2024 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - L Gadsby - 30pts
Runner Up - S Colless - 27pts
Thursday 11th January 2024 - Single Stableford - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - T English - 39pts
Runners Up
- G Fletcher
- D Perkins
- J Hepple
- R Williams
- B Munro
- R Standing
- B Ferrier
- K Richardson
- G Downes
- J Townsend
- P Mulherin
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - R Burns
- 11th - D Ferrier
- 5th - R Ware
- 14th - J Townsend
- 9th - B Jacobson
- 18th - T Lawler
Mars Bar
- T Lawler
Wednesday 10th January 2024 - Single Stableford
Winner - G Ferrier - 38pts
Ball Rundown
- L Bolger
- R Bell
Tuesday 9th January 2024 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - Dylan McPhie - 40pts
Second Place - J Robinson Jnr - 39pts c/b
Third Place - R Burns - 39pts c/b
Ball Rundown
- D Ferrier
- A Peters
- G Dunne
- B Ferrier
- J Townsend
- B Jacobson
- B Finlay
- J Hair
- L Allsop
- K Keane
- G Kingdom
- R Ware
- S Colless
5/14 - B Jacobson
9/18 - S O'Connor
Saturday 6th January 2024 - Single Stroke & Putts - Monthly Medal
WEHGC Trophy
Overall and A Grade Winner - Dylan McPhie - 65nett
B Grade Winner - D Mackney - 67nett c/b
C Grade Winner - G Ware - 67nett
Gross Winner - B Morgan
Ball Rundown
- P Wall
- J Perkins
- R Clark
- W Legge
- P Newman
- T Hancock
- G Kingdom
- G Irvine
- R Hayes
- E Mackney
- G Dunne
- B Jacobson
Winner Putting
Men - G Irvine - 25 putts c/b
Ladies - D McPhie - 25 putts c/b
Winner - K Fletcher - 73nett c/b
Runner up - D McPhie
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - None
- 2nd/11th Ladies - D McPhie
- 5th/14th Men - G Fletcher
- 5th/14th Ladies -None
- 9th/18th Men - K Richardson
- 9th/18th Ladies - R Robson
- 12th Pro's Approach - Dylan McPhie
Congratulations B Morgan Eagle 4th
Mystery Cards
- C Hastie
- E Mackney
Friday 5th January 2024 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - R Harvey-Williams - 26pts c/b
Runner Up - A Rayner
Thursday 4th January 2024 - Single Stroke & Putts - Monthly Mug - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - R Burns - 70 nett
Gross Winner - R Burns
Putting Winner - S Colless
- K Richardson - 71
- E Mackney - 71
- B Kessell - 71
- P Mulherin - 71
- J Robinson Jnr - 72
- R Ware - 72
- T English - 73
- J Perkins - 73
- J Robinson Snr - 73
- K Keane - 73
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - J Hair
- 11th - E Mackney
- 5th - None
- 14th - B Leeson
- 9th - J Perkins
- 18th - K Keane
Mars Bar
- C Young
Wednesday 3rd January 2024 - Single Stroke
Winner - K Fletcher - 73 nett
Ball Rundown
- R Robson
- J Leese
Tuesday 2nd January 2024 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - P Mulherin - 39pts
Second Place - B Jacobson - 37pts
Third Place - G Dunne - 36pts
Ball Rundown
- J Baker
- A Peters
- L Gadsby
- R Turner
- E Mackney
- R Harvey-Williams
- M Flaherty
- R Burns
- S O'Connor
- P Fay
- B Ferrier
- G Kingdom
- B Kinnane
5/14 - B Morgan
9/18 - B Leeson
Saturday 30th December 2023 - 2BBB Stableford
Andrew Schmitt Trophy
Overall Winners - D McPhie / M McPhie - 46pts
Runners Up - M Lee / S Wager - 44pts
Ball Rundown
- D Perkins
- J Perkins
- S O'Connor
- G Dunne
- M Fava
- J Hepple
- G Roberts
- D Ellis
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - M Roberts
- 2nd/11th Ladies - D McPhie
- 5th/14th Men - D Ellis
- 5th/14th Ladies - K Fletcher
- 9th/18th Men - P Wall
- 9th/18th Ladies - K Fletcher
- 12th Pro's Approach - T Newton
Mystery Cards
- M McPhie
- T Hancock
Friday 29th December 2023 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - R Harvey-Williams - 29pts
Runner Up - G Dunne - 27pts c/b
Thursday 28th December 2023 - 2 Person Ambrose - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - B Jacobson / F Murdoch - 64 nett
Runner Up - J Townsend / R Williams - 64.5 nett
- J Baker / C Young - 65.25
- B Kessell / T Lawler - 66
- J Hepple / T English - 67.25
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - B Jacobson / F Murdoch
- 11th - J Robinson Snr / J Robinson Jnr
- 5th - B Finlay
- 14th - T Hancock
- 9th - B Leeson
- 18th - J Robinson Jnr
Mars Bar
- M Jarret / P Mulherin
Saturday 23rd December 2023 - Single Stableford - Xmas Voucher
Club Trophy
Overall and B Grade Winner - D Knights - 41pts
A Grade Winner - M Sneesby - 39pts
C Grade Winner - P Mulherin - 38pts
Gross Winner - D Ellis
Ball Rundown
- J Perkins
- S Colless
- J Robinson Jnr
- M Scully
- A Schmitt
- M Gittoes
- P Carey
- E Mackney
- C Flaherty
- B Morgan
Winner Ladies
- D Perkins
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - J Robinson Jnr
- 2nd/11th Ladies - D Perkins
- 5th/14th Men - P Wall
- 5th/14th Ladies - Nil
- 9th/18th Men - B Finlay
- 9th/18th Ladies - D Perkins
- 12th Pro's Approach - A Peters
Mystery Cards
- G Pawsey
- D Knights
Friday 22nd December 2023 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - Neil Tomson - 27pts
Runner Up - Paul Mulherin - 25pts
Mystery Prize - Grant Pawsey
Thursday 21st December 2023 - Single Stableford - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - R Burns - 39pts
Runners Up
- L Campbell - 38
- K Richardson - 38
- G Fletcher - 37
- L Allsop - 37
- E Mackney - 36
- B Ferrier - 34
- T Lawler - 34
- J Baker - 34
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - R Burns
- 11th - G Platt
- 5th - S Colless
- 14th - B Ferrier
- 9th - J Robinson Snr
- 18th - K Keane
Mars Bar
- J Patterson
Tuesday 19th December 2023 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - J Townsend - 39pts
Second Place - R Standing - 37pts c/b
Third Place - Debbie McPhie - 37pts
Ball Rundown
- B Spencer
- T English
- J Robinson Snr
- B Jacobson
- J Robinson Jnr
- B Finlay
- B Ferrier
- L Campbell
- D Ferrier
5/14 - B Finlay
9/18 - D Ferrier
Sunday 17th December 2023 - Club Christmas Party and Yearly Trophy Presentation
Club Championships
A Grade Gross Winner and Club Champion - B Spencer - 307
A Grade Nett Winner - B Ferrier - 287
B Grade Gross Winner - T Hancock - 344
B Grade Nett Winner - K Richardson - 302
C Grade Gross Winner - B Kinnane
C Grade Nett Winner - W Legge
Single Knockout
Winner - B Ferrier
Runner up - B Kessell
Four ball Knockout
Winner - B Jacobson / B Morgan
Runners Up - J Perkins / B Kessell
Skins - Beachside Bargains
Winner - Dave Ferrier
Summer Eclectic
Div. 1
Gross Winner - J Robinson Jnr
Runner up - R Harvey-Williams
Nett Winner - B Bevege
Runner up - P Newman
Div. 2
Gross Winner - C Hastie
Runner up - B Kessell
Nett Winner - J Hepple
Runner up - J Perkins
Gross Winner - S Manwarring
Runner up - J Hennessy
Nett Winner - S Jacobson
Runner up - T Thomas
Winter Eclectic
Div. 1
Gross Winner - D Ferrier
Runner up - E Mackney
Nett Winner - G Dunne
Runner up - B Morgan
Div. 2
Gross Winner - B Jacobson
Runner up - M Knox
Nett Winner - W Legge
Runner up - R Turner
Gross Winner - S Manwarring
Runner up - J Hennessy
Nett Winner - S Jacobson
Runner up - K Fletcher
Men's Foursomes
27 Hole Gross Winners - D McPhie / B Spencer
27 Hole Nett Winners - J Robinson Jnr / J Robinson Snr
18 Hole Nett Winners - J Perkins / B Kessell
Last 9 Nett Winners - P Wall / J Ferrier
Mixed Foursomes
27 Hole Gross Winners - C Youngberry / D Ferrier
27 Hole Nett Winners - B Finlay / T Thomas
Last 9 Hole Winners - B Jacobson / S Jacobson
Parent and Child Foursomes
27 Hole Gross Winners - D Ferrier / J Ferrier
27 Hole Nett Winners - W Harris / W Harris
18 Hole Nett Winners - B Spencer / O Spencer
Last 9 Hole Winners - L Jeffery / J Jeffery
Saturday 16th December 2023 - Single Stableford
Xmas Voucher - Club Trophy
Overall and A Grade Winner - JP Mullaly - 38pts c/b
B Grade Winner - P Wall - 38pts c/b
C Grade Winner - W Legge - 38pts c/b
Gross Winner - Dylan McPhie
Ball Rundown
- J Robinson Jnr
- D Ferrier
- B Morgan
- M Fava
- G Pawsey
- J Robinson Snr
- R Harvey-Williams
- T Lawler
- G Irvine
- B Kessell
Winner Ladies
- D McPhie - 36pts
Ball Rundown
- S O'Connor
- D Perkins
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - M Gittoes
- 2nd/11th Ladies - R Bell
- 5th/14th Men - M Fava
- 5th/14th Ladies - K Fletcher
- 9th/18th Men - T Hancock
- 9th/18th Ladies - R Bell
- 12th Pro's Approach - JP Mullaly
Mystery Cards
- T Lawler
- B Kessell
Friday 15th December 2023 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - C Flaherty - 28pts
Runner Up - J Ferrier - 26pts c/b
Mystery Prize - B Kinnane
Thursday 14th December 2023 - Single Stableford - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - T Lawler - 42pts
Runners Up
- D Ferrier - 42
- J Robinson Jnr - 41
- R Ware - 40
- S Curtin - 38
- W Kessell - 38
- M Newstead - 37
- J Baker - 37
- K Keane - 37
- W Brown - 36
- L Allsop - 36
- J Robinson Snr - 36
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - J Baker
- 11th - B Leeson
- 5th - B Finlay
- 14th - B Kinnane
- 9th - B Ferrier
- 18th - B Ferrier
Mars Bar
- B Kinnane
Wednesday 13th December 2023 - Single Stableford
Club Trophy
Winner - K Fletcher - 37pts c/b
Ball Rundown
- C Husselbee - 37pts
- S Spiteri - 36pts
- T Thomas - 33pts
Tuesday 12th December 2023 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - J Perkins - 43pts
Second Place - C Young - 41pts
Third Place - W Brown - 39pts
Ball Rundown
- B Jacobson
- G Dunne
- S Colless
- Dylan McPhie
- P Fay
- L Allsop
- G Ireland
- T English
- J Robinson Snr
- R Standing
- J Baker
- T Hancock
5/14 - Dylan McPhie
9/18 - T English
Saturday 9th December 2023 - Single Stableford
Xmas Voucher - Club Trophy
Overall and C Grade Winner - A Schmitt - 44pts
A Grade Winner - B Finlay - 41pts
B Grade Winner - L Newton - 39pts
Gross Winner - J Robinson Jnr
Ball Rundown
- L Allsop
- T Hawkins
- J O'Donnell
- W Legge
- S Colless
- M Sneesby
- B Ferrier
- D Ferrier
- B Jacobson
Winner Ladies
- D Perkins - 41pts
Ball Rundown
- R Bell - 40pts c/b
- G Ferrier - 40pts
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - J Robinson Snr
- 2nd/11th Ladies - K Fletcher - 68cm
- 5th/14th Men - J O'Donnell
- 5th/14th Ladies - R Bell
- 9th/18th Men -T Hancock
- 9th/18th Ladies - J Hennessy - 28cm
- 12th Pro's Approach - M Grealy
Mystery Cards
- K Fletcher
- E Mackney
Friday 8th December 2023 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - J Robinson Jnr - 26pts
Runner Up - M Flaherty - 24pts c/b
Thursday 7th December 2023 - Monthly Mug - Mug of Mugs - Single Stroke & Putts - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - G Ireland - 65nett
Winner - Mug of Mugs - G Ireland - 65nett
Runners Up
- T English - 66
- D Perkins - 69
- B Jacobson - 70
- G Fletcher - 70
- J Campbell - 70
- R Burns - 70
- J Perkins - 71
- R Park - 71
- J Baker - 71
- W Brown - 71
- P Fay - 71
- R Standing - 72
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - P Fay
- 11th - W Brown
- 5th - K Richardson
- 14th - K Keane
- 9th - K Keane
- 18th - C Forshaw
T English - 25 putts
Mars Bars
- C Young
Wednesday 6th December 2023 - 9 Hole 2 Person Ambrose - Ladies Christmas Party
Winners - T Thomas and M Patterson
Runners Up - G Ferrier and N Durant
Tuesday 5th December 2023 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - R Standing - 39pts
Second Place - G Dunne - 38pts c/b
Third Place - W Brown - 38pts
Ball Rundown
- B Ferrier
- M Newstead
- C Wagstaff
- J Robinson Jnr
- E Mackney
- R Burns
- G Ireland
- Dylan McPhie
- B Spencer
- C Husselbee
5/14 - R Burns
9/18 - G Ireland
Saturday 2nd December 2023 - Single Stroke & Putts - Monthly Medal - Mug of Mugs
WEHGC Trophy
Overall and A Grade Winner - L Allsop - 67nett
B Grade Winner - Mitch McPhie - 70nett
C Grade Winner - A Schmitt - 71nett
Gross Winner - B Spencer - 73 nett
Mug of Mugs Winners
Men - Mitch Mcphie
Women - J Hennessy
Ball Rundown
- B Sharkey
- J Mulcahy
- R Harvey-Williams
- B Ferrier
- D Ferrier
- B Kinnane
- B Spencer
- J Robinson Snr
- Dylan McPhie
- T Hancock
Winner Putting
Men - B Sharkey - 25 putts
Ladies - J Hennessy - 28 putts c/b
Winner - J Hennessy - 70nett
Runner up
- R Robson
- G Ferrier
- D Perkins
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - B Sharkey 84cm
- 2nd/11th Ladies - D Mcphie 52cm
- 5th/14th Men - A Irvine
- 5th/14th Ladies -D Perkins
- 9th/18th Men - M McPhie
- 9th/18th Ladies - G Ferrier
- 12th Pro's Approach - B Sharkey
Mystery Cards
- C Hastie
- G Kingdom
Friday 1st December 2023 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - W Harris - 31pts
Runner Up - B Spencer - 28pts
Mystery Prize - M Flaherty
Thursday 30th November 2023 - V'S Par - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - C Young - +4
Runners Up
- B Ferrier
- K Richardson
- G Fletcher
- L Newton
- P Fay
- T English
- B Finlay
- E Mackney
- B Jacobson
- M Fava
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - K Keane
- 11th - L Newton
- 5th - S Curtain
- 14th - T Lawler
- 9th - K Richardson
- 18th - M Fava
Mars Bar
- K Keane
Wednesday 29th November 2023 - Single Stableford
Club Trophy
Winner A Grade - R Robson
Winner B Grade - R Bell
2/11 - A Grade - S Jacobson
5/14 - All In - K Fletcher
9/18 - B Grade - G Ferrier
Ball Rundown
- L Bolger
- G Ferrier
- S Spitieri
- K Fletcher
- J Hennessy
- H Campbell
- L Gow
- R Clark
Mars Bar
T Thomas
Tuesday 28th November 2023 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - T Hawkins - 40pts
Second Place - T Hancock - 39pts
Third Place - K Keane - 39pts
Ball Rundown
- B Finlay
- J Perkins
- B Spencer
- B Jacobson
- T English
- J Robinson Jnr
- B Ferrier
- J Robinson Snr
- R Burns
- L Allsop
- G Dunne
- P Newman
- M Newstead
- R Ware
5/14 - B Finlay
9/18 - R Park
Saturday 25th November 2023 - Single Stableford
Terry Hancock and Keith Richardson Trophy
Overall and B Grade Winner - S Bradley - 39pts c/b
A Grade Winner - Dylan McPhie
C Grade Winner - A Schmitt - 39pts c/b
Gross Winner - M Flaherty
Ball Rundown
- C Hastie
- D Samuels
- B Ferrier
- J Robinson Snr
- G Dunne
- G Kingdom
- C Cooksey
- B Turner
- M McPhie
- J O'Donnell
- S Colless
- S Wager
Winner Ladies
- D McPhie
Ladies Ball Rundown
- S Manwarring
- R Robson
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - M Flaherty
- 2nd/11th Ladies - R Robson
- 5th/14th Men - C Flaherty
- 5th/14th Ladies - None
- 9th/18th Men - A Sheather
- 9th/18th Ladies - R Bell 70cm
- 12th Pro's Approach - M Lee
Mystery Cards
- A Schmitt
- D Knights
Friday 24th November 2023 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - G Dunne - 27pts
Runner Up - C Flaherty - 25pts
Mystery Prize - Olley Spencer
Thursday 23rd November 2023 - Single Stableford - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - B Leeson
Runners Up
- G Smith
- T Hancock
- J Hines
- J Campbell
- J Robinson Jnr
- L Newton
- B Ferrier
- G Fletcher
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - K Richardson
- 11th - R Burns
- 5th - R Burns
- 14th - T Hancock
- 9th - G Fletcher
- 18th - G Smith
Mars Bar
- R Ware
Wednesday 22nd November 2023 - Single Stableford
Gollan Family Trophy
Winner A Grade - J Hennessy - 32pts
Winner B Grade - C Husselbee - 40pts
2/11 - B Grade - G Ferrier
5/14 - All In - R Kinnane
9/18 - A Grade - L Jeffery
Ball Rundown
- H Campbell
- S Manwarring
- J Pethers
- B Holt
Mars Bar - S Black
Tuesday 21st November 2023 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - D McPhie - 37pts
Second Place - O Spencer - 36pts
Third Place - B Spencer - 35pts
Ball Rundown
- M Newstead
- B Leeson
- K Keane
- D Ferrier
- W Brown
- T Hancock
5/14 - D Ferrier
9/18 - R Burns
Sunday 19th November 2023 - Parent and Child 27 Hole Foursomes
27 Hole Gross Winners - D Ferrier and J Ferrier - 114 gross
27 Hole Nett Winners - W Harris and W Harris - 99 nett
18 Hole Nett Winners - B Spencer and O Spencer - 64 nett
Last Nine Nett - L Jeffery and J Jeffery - 33.25
Saturday 18th November 2023 - 2B Agg Stableford
Mick Hardy and Alisha Youngberry Trophy
Overall Winners - W Legge / P Wall - 75
Runners Up - M Flaherty / M Knox - 73 c/b
Individual Winner Men - L Gadsby - 40
Individual Winner Ladies - S O'Connor - 33
Ball Rundown
- C Cooksey / K Richardson
- B Morgan / M Gittoes
- G Kingdom / C Hastie
- R Clark / L Gadsby
- Will Harris / D Ferrier
- D McPhie / J Mulcahy
- B Ferrier / K Keane
Pros Approach - M Gittoes
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - P Wall
- 2nd/11th Ladies - J Hennessy - 23cm
- 5th/14th Men - G Kingdom - 47cm
- 5th/14th Ladies - None
- 9th/18th Men - J Perry
- 9th/18th Ladies - T Thomas (in the hole)
- 12th Pro's Approach - D McPhie
Mystery Cards
- J Pethers
- L Gadsby
Nature Walk - G Ware
Friday 17th November 2023 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - G Dunne - 25pts
Runner Up - B Bevege - 24pts c/b
Thursday 16th November 2023 - Single Stableford - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - J Hair - 39pts
Runners Up
- S Colless - 39
- B Finlay - 38
- B Ferrier - 38
- B Leeson - 38
- B Jacobson - 37
- R Burns - 37
- J Campbell - 36
- R Ware - 36
- K Keane - 36
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - R Pacheco
- 11th - B Finlay
- 5th - S Colless
- 14th - B Leeson
- 9th - R Burns
- 18th - L Allsop
Mars Bar
- M Newstead
Wednesday 15th November 2023 - Single Stableford
R Kinnane Trophy
Winner A Grade - J Hennessy - 44pts
Winner B Grade - S Spiteri - 39pts
2/11 - A Grade - J Hennessy
5/14 - All In - L Savins
9/18 - B Grade - T Thomas
Ball Rundown
- L Savins
- C Husselbee
- S Jacobson
- R Bell
Mars Bar - L Savins
Tuesday 14th November 2023 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - JP Mullaly - 40pts
Second Place - R Ware - 36pts c/b
Third Place - D McPhie - 36pts
Ball Rundown
- B Spencer
- R Burns
- K Keane
- B Jacobson
- J Baker
- R Standing
- R Park
Congratulations Roy Park - Hole in one 14th
5/14 - R Park
9/18 - R Park
Saturday 11th November 2023 - Single Stableford
Bruce and Sue Jacobson Trophy
Overall and C Grade Winner - C Rixon - 43pts
A Grade Winner - M Flaherty
B Grade Winner - M McPhie
Gross Winner - R Harvey-Williams
Ball Rundown
- G Pawsey
- C Cooksey
- R Harvey-Williams
- B Jacobson
- S Colless
- B Morgan
- JP Mullaly
- J Robinson Snr
- M Knox
- H Armistead
Winner Ladies
- C Youngberry
Ball Rundown
- D McPhie
- D Perkins
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - P O'Connor
- 2nd/11th Ladies - R Robson
- 5th/14th Men - JP Mullaly
- 5th/14th Ladies - C Youngberry
- 9th/18th Men - G Dunne
- 9th/18th Ladies - J Hennessy
- 12th Pro's Approach - JP Mullaly
Mystery Cards
- Debbie McPhie
- R Kinnane
Friday 10th November 2023 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - Dylan McPhie - 24pts
Runner Up - G Dunne - 23pts
Thursday 9th November 2023 - Single Stableford - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - E Mackney - 40pts
Runners Up
- T Hancock - 39
- P Fay - 38
- R Ware - 37
- T Hawkins - 36
- G Ireland - 36
- B Finlay - 36
- B Jacobson - 35
- D Perkins - 35
- W Brown - 35
- T Lawler - 35
- J Baker - 34
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - J Robinson Snr, R Burns
- 11th - G Platt
- 5th - B Ferrier
- 14th - B Ferrier
- 9th - R Ware
- 18th - None
Mars Bar
- G Platt
Wednesday 8th November 2023 - 2 Person Ambrose
Michelle Patterson & Karen Wong Trophy
Tee Off For Cancer Day (raised $160.00)
Winners - R Clark, S Spiteri and A Weaver
Runners Up - L Jeffery, M Patterson
2/11 - L Jeffery, M Patterson
5/14 - R Kinnane, H Savins
9/18 - N Durant, T Thomas
Ball Rundown
- J Hennessy, S Black
- J Pethers, R Robson
Mars Bar
-T Thomas, N Durant
Tuesday 7th November 2023 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - R Ware - 37pts
Second Place - R Burns - 36pts c/b
Third Place - L Allsop - 36pts
Ball Rundown
- K Keane
- T Lawler
- T Hancock
- C Young
- B Ferrier
- T Hawkins
- D McPhie
- W Brown
5/14 - B Ferrier
9/18 - J Gallagher
Saturday 4th November 2023 - Single Stroke & Putts - Monthly Medal
WEHGC Trophy
Overall and B Grade Winner - M Fava
A Grade Winner - P Carey
C Grade Winner - B Mayes
Gross Winner - B Spencer
Ball Rundown
- E Mackney
- B Jacobson
- A Sheather
- B Taylor
- G Irvine
- S Wagner
- M Flaherty
- J O'Donnell
- M McPhie
- L Perry
Winner Putting
Men - A Sheather
Ladies - S Jacobson
Ladies Winner - C Youngberry
Ladies Runner up
- S Jacobson
- D McPhie
- D Perkins
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - M Knox
- 2nd/11th Ladies - S Jacobson - 18cm
- 5th/14th Men - A Irvine
- 5th/14th Ladies - None
- 9th/18th Men - M Flaherty
- 9th/18th Ladies - C Youngberry
- 12th Pro's Approach - M Flaherty
Mystery Cards
- C Rixon
- S Colless
Friday 3rd November 2023 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - A Rayner - 32pts
Runner Up - G Downes - 30pts
Thursday 2nd November 2023 - Monthly Mug - Single Stroke & Putts - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - G Ireland - 65nett
Runners Up
- S Curtin - 66
- R Ware - 67
- W Brown - 70
- G Platt - 70
- J Campbell - 70
- L Newton - 70
- T Hancock - 71
- M Fava - 72
- D Perkins - 73
- K Keane - 73
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - R Burns
- 11th - W Brown
- 5th - R Burns
- 14th - R Burns
- 9th -
- 18th - M Fava
- W Brown
Mars Bars
- C Forshaw
- B Leeson
- T Lawler
Wednesday 1st November 2023 - V's Par
Club Trophy
Winner - A Grade - R Kinnane - +1
Winner - B Grade - L Bolger - +3
2/11 - M Patterson
5/14 - C Husselbee
9/18 - L Jeffery
Ball Rundown
- C Husselbee
- M Patterson
- L Jeffery
Mars Bar
- J Leese
Tuesday 31st October 2023 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - T Hancock - 42pts
Second Place - J Robinson Snr - 41pts c/b
Third Place - T English - 41pts
Ball Rundown
- M Newstead
- G Dunne
- K Keane
- G Ireland
- J Baker
- P Newman
- B Ferrier
5/14 - W Brown
9/18 - R Burns
Saturday 28th October 2023 - Single Stableford
Metcalf Quality Meats Trophy
Overall and A Grade Winner - Dylan McPhie
B Grade Winner - M Newstead
C Grade Winner - M Knox
Gross Winner - G Dunne
Ball Rundown
- G Dunne
- M McPhie
- G Irvine
- B Morgan
- O Spencer
- B Spencer
- D Samuels
- J Perkins
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - M Newstead
- 2nd/11th Ladies - D Perkins
- 5th/14th Men - G Dunne
- 5th/14th Ladies - R Kinnane
- 9th/18th Men - G Dunne
- 9th/18th Ladies - Deb McPhie
- 12th Pro's Approach - D McPhie
Mystery Cards
- Debbie McPhie
- JP Mullaly
Thursday 26th October 2023 - 2 Person Ambrose - Men's Vets
Overall Winners - T English / D Perkins
Runners Up
- R Ware / E Mackney
- B Bevege / B Finlay
- B Jacobson / K Keane
- B Ferrier / D Ferrier
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - B Bevege
- 11th - B Jacobson
- 5th - T Hancock
- 14th - B Ferrier
- 9th - L Newton
- 18th - None
- Pros App. - J Boyd
Wednesday 25th October 2023 - Single Stroke
J Hennessy Trophy
Final of Winter Eclectic
Winner A Grade - L Gow - 66nett
Winner B Grade - R Kinnane - 66nett
5/14 - All In - R Kinnane - Plover's Nest
A Grade - L Gow
B Grade - M Patterson
Ball Rundown
- R Bell
- R Robson
- H Campbell
- H Savins
Mars Bar
- L Bolger
Tuesday 24th October 2023 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - E Mackney - 39pts c/b
Second Place - R Park - 39pts
Third Place - B Kinnane - 38pts
Ball Rundown
- B Bevege
- B Ferrier
- B Finlay
- T English
Saturday 21st October 2023 - Single Stroke
Wardell Warriors Trophy
Overall and B Grade Winner - S Colless
A Grade Winner - B Ferrier
C Grade Winner - B Kinnane
Gross Winner - B Ferrier
Ball Rundown
- C Hastie
- B Spencer
- B Bevege
- S Bradley
- B Morgan
- M Fava
- A Peters
- M Sneesby
- T Lawler
Winner - J Hennessy
Ladies Runners up
- R Kinnane
- R Robson
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - A Peters
- 2nd/11th Ladies - S Manwarring - 107cm
- 5th/14th Men - A Peters
- 5th/14th Ladies - J Hennessy
- 9th/18th Men - E Mackney
- 9th/18th Ladies - R Kinnane - In the Hole
- 12th Pro's Approach - A Peters
Mystery Cards
- T Hawkins
- M Sneesby
Friday 20th October 2023 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - G Dunne - 26pts
Runner Up - P Wall - 25pts
Tuesday 17th October 2023 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - M Newstead - 37pts
Second Place - Dy McPhie - 32pts
Third Place - J Perkins - 31pts
Ball Rundown
- B Spencer
Lucky Draw
- J Baker
Saturday 14th October 2023 - Single Stableford
WEHGC Ladies Trophy
Overall and B Grade Winner - G Dunne - 39 pts
A Grade Winner - B Ferrier - 38 pts
C Grade Winner - C Cooksey - 38 pts
Gross Winner - M Flaherty
Ball Rundown
- JP Mullaly
- B Bevege
- S Bradly
- D Knights
- C Hastie
- J Behn
- A Sheather
- R Ware
- A Freriechs
- T Lawler
- M Knox
Winner - S Manwarring - 38 pts
Ladies Runners up
- S Jacobson
- S O'Connor
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - D Ferrier
- 2nd/11th Ladies - K Fletcher - 34cm
- 5th/14th Men - B Bevege
- 5th/14th Ladies - None
- 9th/18th Men - M Gittoes
- 9th/18th Ladies - S Manwarring - In the Hole
- 12th Pro's Approach - J Behn
Mystery Cards
- T Thomas
- L Newton
Friday 13th October 2023 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - C Thomas - 26pts c/b
Runner Up - R Harvey-Williams - 26 pts
Thursday 12th October 2023 - Single Stableford - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - R Park - 39pts
Runners Up
- K Richardson - 37
- G Platt - 37
- T English - 35
- D Perkins - 35
- R Burns - 34
- P Fay - 34
- B Jacobson - 34
- W Brown - 33
- J Perkins - 33
- J Baker - 33
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - K Richardson
- 11th - F Murdock
- 5th - B Ferrier
- 14th - G Platt
- 9th - K Keane
- 18th - R Park
Mars Bar
- E Mackney
Wednesday 11th October 2023 - Single Stableford
Ruth Bell Trophy
Winner A Grade - L Gow - 38pts
Winner B Grade - H Savins - 40pts
2/11 - A Grade - K Fletcher
5/14 - All In - T Thomas
9/18 - B Grade - H Savins
Ball Rundown
- T Thomas
- J Pethers
- R Kinnane
- S Spiteri
Mars Bar
- M Patterson
Tuesday 10th October 2023
WEH Vets Open Day
Winner Morning Group
- E Dollery - Ball
Runners Up
- R Strudwick - Mbah
- R Pedrana - Mac
- T Pooley - Ban
- R Rutten - Ball
- G Robbins - Cas
Winner Afternoon Group
- T English - WEH
Runners Up
- R VanKlaveren - Lis
- P Lake - Mull
- J Robinson Snr - WEH
- R Harvey-Williams - WEH
- D Mortison - Iluka
Nearest the Pin Morning Group
- 2/11 - M Fraccaro - Lis
- 5/14 - K Pollard - Lis
- 9/18 - I Harmon - Lis
Nearest the Pin Afternoon Group
- 2/11 - G Ryan - BB
- 5/14 - J Robinson Snr - WEH
- 9/18 - P Lake - Mull
Northern Rivers Vets Golf Association Prize
Morning Group
- B Harvey - Mac
Afternoon Group
- I Wright - Ball
Saturday 7th October 2023 - Single Stroke & Putts - Monthly Medal
WEHGC Trophy
Overall and A Grade Winner - B Bevege - 70
B Grade Winner - J Robinson Snr - 72
C Grade Winner - T Cicchinelli - 76
Gross Winner - B Spencer
Ball Rundown
- M Flaherty
- P O'Connor
- JP Mullaly
- P Wall
- L Allsop
- E Mackney
- B Ferrier
Men - A Schmitt
Ladies - D McPhie
Winner - J Cicchinelli
Runner up
- G Ferrier
- D McPhie
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - None
- 2nd/11th Ladies -G Ferrier
- 5th/14th Men - T Hancock
- 5th/14th Ladies - J Cicchinelli
- 9th/18th Men - J Robinson Snr
- 9th/18th Ladies - J Cicchinelli
- 12th Pro's Approach - M Knox
Mystery Cards
- P Wall
- J Ferrier
Friday 6th October 2023 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - P O'Connor - 25pts c/b
Runner Up - G Dunne - 25pts
Thursday 5th October 2023 - Monthly Mug - Single Stroke & Putts - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - M Newstead - 64nett
Runners Up
- T English - 66
- J Robinson Snr - 67
- L Newton - 67
- D Ferrier - 67
- T Hawkins - 68
- B Ferrier - 68
- B Finlay - 71
- G Ireland - 72
- R Ware - 73
- R Burns - 73
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - T Hancock
- 11th - K Richardson
- 5th - G Ireland
- 14th - B Kessell
- 9th - M Newstead
- 18th - J Boyd
T English - 24
Mars Bar
F Murdock
Wednesday 4th October 2023 - Single Stroke and Putting - Medal of Medals Play Off - President vs Captains
Sue Jacobson & Johneen Pethers Trophy
Medal of Medals Winner - L Gow
Captains Team
Team Result - 595 nett
Winner - J Pethers
Runner Up - G Ferrier
Presidents Team
Team Result - 606 nett
Winner - J Hennessy
Runners Up - L Gow
- A Grade - J Leese
- B Grade - M Patterson
5/14 - L Gow
Ball Rundown
- C Youngberry
- R Robson
- L Jeffery
- R Kinnane
Mars Bar
- L Savins
Tuesday 3rd October 2023 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - J Hair - 43pts
Second Place - L Allsop - 39pts c/b
Third Place - M McGuillivray - 39pts
Ball Rundown
- D McPhie
- D McPhie
- K Keane
- P Fay
- J Baker
- B Jacobson
- G Ireland
- B Ferrier
- J Brady
- W Brown
5/14 - G Ireland
9/19 - L Allsop
Saturday 30th September 2023 - Single Stableford - WEHGC Trophy
Overall and A Grade Winner - B Morgan - 38pts
B Grade Winner - J Perkins - 36pts
C Grade Winner - L Perry - 32pts
Gross Winner - A Peters
Ball Rundown
- A Sheather
- M Gittoes
- S Colless
- R Ware
- M Newstead
- S Bradley
- M McPhie
- D McPhie
- E Mackney
Winner - R Kinnane - 35pts
Runner up - K Fletcher
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - B Morgan
- 2nd/11th Ladies - J Hennessy
- 5th/14th Men - M Flaherty
- 5th/14th Ladies -
- 9th/18th Men - J Robinson Jnr
- 9th/18th Ladies - J Hennessy
- 12th Pro's Approach - R Harvey-Williams
Mystery Cards
- B Taylor
- M McPhie
Friday 29th September 2023 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - P Wall - 28pts
Runner Up - D McPhie - 28pts c/b
Thursday 28th September 2023 - 2B Agg Stableford - Men's Vets
Overall Winners - T English / J Perkins - 79
Best Individual Score - J Perkins
Runners Up
- B Kinnane / G Fletcher - 71
- W Brown / R Burns - 71
- B Ferrier / D Ferrier - 71
- C Young / J Baker - 69
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - T Hancock
- 11th - E Mackney
- 5th - W Brown
- 14th - R Burns
- 9th - E Mackney
- 18th - W Brown
Mars Bar
- K Keane / B Jacobson
Wednesday 27th September 2023 - Ladies American Foursomes - Final Round Dingo Demolitions
Dingo Demolitions Trophy
Winners - J Hennessy / L Savins
Runners Up - K Fletcher / C Husselbee
Daily Event Sponsors - C Husselbee / J Leese
Winners - J Hennessy / L Savins
2/11 - J Hennessy / L Savins
5/14 - None
9/18 - S Jacobson / R Robson
Ball Rundown
- R Robson / S Jacobson
- S Spiteri / L Gow
- R Bell / H Campbell
Mars Bar
- J Pethers / C Youngberry
Tuesday 26th September 2023 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner -K Keane - 38pts c/b
Second Place - B Leeson - 38pts
Third Place - Debbie McPhie - 37pts
Ball Rundown
- M McGuillivray
- D Stallman
- L Allsop
- T English
- J Robinson Jnr
- T Lawler
- JP Mullaly
- G Dunne
- M Fava
- J Robinson Snr
- J Perkins
- R Standing
- B Kinnane
5/14 - E Mackney
9/19 - J Robinson Jnr
Saturday 23rd September 2023 - 2B Agg Stableford
D Ferrier & C Youngberry Trophy
Overall Winners - S Colless / B Bevege - 71pts
Runners Up - D McPhie / JP Mullaly - 69pts
Individual Winner - B Spencer - 37pts
Ball Rundown
- B Spencer / A Peters
- D Ferrier / J Ferrier
- P Newman / M Newstead
- B Morgan / T Lawler
- D McPhie / M McPhie
- B Ferrier / G Ferrier
- L Allsop / T Hancock
Individual Winner - J Hennessy - 37pts
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - E Mackney
- 2nd/11th Ladies - K Fletcher
- 5th/14th Men - L Newton
- 5th/14th Ladies - R Kinnane
- 9th/18th Men - L Newton
- 9th/18th Ladies - J Hennessy
- 12th Pro's Approach - B Finlay - 15cm
Mystery Cards
- T Thomas
- K Richardson
Friday 22nd September 2023 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - A Peters - 27pts
Runner Up - W Legge - 24pts
Thursday 21st September 2023 - Single Stroke - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - G Fletcher - 68 Nett
Runners Up
- J Campbell - 68
- B Kinnane - 69
- B Leeson - 70
- J Townsend - 70
- B Ferrier - 71
- L Allsop - 71
- M Fava - 71
- C Forshaw - 72
- M Newstead - 72
- P Fay - 72
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - L Newton
- 11th - B Kinnane
- 5th - E Mackney
- 14th - B Leeson
- 9th - G Ireland
- 18th - R Burns
Mars Bar
- C Young
Wednesday 20th September 2023 - 2B Agg Stroke - 2nd Round Dingo Demolitions
L Savins and L Jeffery Trophy
Winners - S Jacobson / R Robson
Overall Single Nett Score - R Bell
2/11 - J Hennessy
5/14 - L Gow
9/18 - S Black
Ball Rundown
- C Husselbee
- C Youngberry
- J Hennessy
Mars Bar
- S Black
Tuesday 19th September 2023 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - L Allsop - 39pts
Second Place - B Leeson - 37pts
Third Place - R Ware - 36pts
Ball Rundown
- J Townsend
- M McGuillivray
- B Jacobson
- G Ireland
- J Robinson Jnr
- J Perry
- C Strong
- M Newstead
- J Hair
- B Spencer
- T O'Connor
5/14 - R Burns
9/19 - G Ireland
Saturday 16th September 2023 - Single Stableford
Evans Head Bowlo Trophy
Overall and B Grade Winner - A Peters - 41pts
C Grade Winner - D Samuels - 38pts
A Grade Winner - J Behn - 34pts
Gross Winner - D McPhie
Ball Rundown
- B Mayes
- B Taylor
- E Mackney
- T Hancock
- P O'Connor
- D Knights
- R Ware
- M Fava
- P Carey
Winner - M Mitchell - 37pts
Runner up - J Hennessy
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - M Sneesby
- 2nd/11th Ladies - K Fletcher
- 5th/14th Men - M Sigle
- 5th/14th Ladies - J Hennessy
- 9th/18th Men - S Bradley
- 9th/18th Ladies - S Jacobson - 12cm
- 12th Pro's Approach - B Mitchell
Mystery Cards
- M Newstead
- B Jacobson
Friday 15th September 2023 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - D McPhie
Runner Up - A Peters
Thursday 14th September 2023 - Single Stableford - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - K Keane - 39pts
Runners Up
- S Colless - 38
- E Mackney - 38
- D Ferrier - 37
- G Platt - 35
- B Finlay - 35
- J Campbell - 35
- G Ireland - 35
- W Brown - 34
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - K Keane
- 11th - E Mackney
- 5th - E Mackney
- 14th - P Fay
- 9th - E Mackney
- 18th - M Fava
Mars Bar
- G Fletcher
Wednesday 13th September 2023 - 2 Person Ambrose - 1st Round Dingo Demolitions
C Wagstaff and T Thomas Trophy
Winners - J Hennessy / L Savins
Runners Up - L Gow / S Spiteri
NTP 5/14
K Fletcher / C Husselbee
Ball Rundown
- L Jeffery / H Savins
- J Pethers / C Youngberry
- R Kinnane / J Leese
Mars Bar
- C Wagstaff / M Patterson
Tuesday 12th September 2023 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - G Ireland - 39pts
Second Place - J P Mullaly- 38pts
Third Place - D McPhie - 36pts
Ball Rundown
- G Dunne
- J Perkins
- W Brown
- T Hancock
- K Fletcher
- B Ferrier
- D Stallman
- J Robinson Snr
- T English
- E Mackney
- R Burns
- B Kinnane
5/14 - P O'Connor
9/19 - G Burley
Sunday 7th September 2023 - 2023 Men's Foursomes Championships
27 Hole Gross Winners - B Spencer & D McPhie 113
27 Hole Nett Winners - J Robinson Snr & J Robinson Jnr 106
18 Hole Nett Winners - J Perkins & B Kessell 72
Last 9 Nett Winners - P Wall & J Ferrier
Ball Rundown
- E Mackney & B Finlay
- D Ferrier & B Ferrier
Saturday 9th September 2023 - 4 Person Ambrose
Bob Deardon Memorial Trophy Day
Overall Winners - A Schmitt, D Samuels, M Knox, M Flaherty
Runners Up - D McPhie, D Mcphie, D Mcphie, J Mullaly c/b
Ball Rundown
- C Husselbee, G Pawsey, W Legge, P Wall
- J Robinson Jnr, J Robinson Snr, P Newman
- B Bevege, R Harvey-Williams, J Boyd, S Colless
- M Gittoes, B Jacobson, J Townsend, M Sneesby
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - E Mackney
- 2nd/11th Ladies - C Youngberry
- 5th/14th Men - M Gittoes
- 5th/14th Ladies - K Fletcher
- 9th/18th Men - P Carey
- 9th/18th Ladies - C Youngberry
- 12th Pro's Approach - M Fava
Mystery Cards
- M Gittoes
- M Sneesby
Friday 8th September 2023 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - L Perry
Runner Up - D Samuels
Thursday 7th September 2023 - Monthly Mug - Single Stroke & Putts - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - G Fletcher - 67nett
Runners Up
- T English - 68
- T Lawler - 70
- E Mackney - 70
- D Ferrier - 70
- J Townsend - 70
- D Stallman - 70
- B Jacobson - 70
- P Fay - 70
- M Fava - 70
- D Perkins - 71
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - T Lloyd
- 11th - D Stallman
- 5th - T Lloyd
- 14th - P Fay
- 9th - B Finlay
- 18th - D Ferrier
Mars Bar
- B Ferrier
- J Hepple
- G Ireland
- M Newstead
Wednesday 6th September 2023 - Single Stroke & Putts - WGA and Club Medals
Club Trophy
Winner A Grade - J Leese
Winner B Grade - T Thomas
Medal Winners
Winner A Grade - J Leese
Winner B Grade - T Thomas
Winner A Grade - J Hennessy - 30 putts
Winner B Grade - R Bell - 24 putts
Ball Rundown
- H Savins
- M Mann
- H Campbell
- J Hennessy
Mars Bar
- R Bell
Tuesday 5th September 2023 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - D Ferrier - 38pts
Second Place - B Leeson - 37pts
Third Place - G Dunne - 37pts
Ball Rundown
- K Keane
- B Ferrier
- D McPhie
- J Robinson Jnr
- M McGillivray
- J O'Donnell
- J Robinson Snr
- R Park
- B Spencer
- G Fletcher
5/14 - E Mackney
9/19 - D Ferrier
Monday 4th September 2023 - Women's Golf Northern Rivers (WGNR) Veteran Championships - Single Stableford
Winner - Sheree Lokan (Iluka) - 25pts
Runner Up - Jo Hennessy (WEH) - 24pts
Division 1 (H/cap 0-22)
Winner - Robyn Robson (WEH) - 40pts
Runner Up - Christina Picton (Maclean) - 38pts
Division 2 (H/cap 23-28)
Winner - Denise Coster (Lismore) - 39pts
Runner Up - Anne Mead (Casino) - 34pts
Division 3 (H/cap 29-45)
Winner - Pat Kelly (Lismore) - 43pts
Runner Up - Noeline Meagher (Iluka) - 38pts
Ball Rundown
- K Robbins
- A Slade
- H Graney
- N Viel
- V Dadswell
- P Willis
- D Willis
- T Campbell
- J Cicchinelli
- J Fairhall
- M King
- C Hudson
- S Spiteri
Nearest the Pins
- Division 1 (5th/14th) - N Viel
- Division 2 (2nd/11th) - D Coster
- Division 3 (9th/18th) - N Meagher
Saturday 2nd September 2023 - Single Stroke & Putts - Monthly Medal
Jon Mulcahy - Tru Grit Trophy
Overall and A Grade Winner - A Sheather - 70 c/b
B Grade Winner - B Jacobson - 70 c/b
C Grade Winner - M Knox - 70
Gross Winner - J Robinson Jnr - 77 c/b
Ball Rundown
- P O'Connor
- D Ferrier
- M Flaherty
- R Ware
- M Fava
- R Turner
- B Ferrier
- D McPhie
- S Colless
- M McPhie
Winner Putting
Men - W Legge
Ladies - R Kinnane
Winner - R Kinnane - 67
Runner up - K Fletcher
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - A Irvine
- 2nd/11th Ladies - K Fletcher
- 5th/14th Men - G Fletcher
- 5th/14th Ladies - J Hennessy
- 9th/18th Men - R Ware
- 9th/18th Ladies - J Hennessy
- 12th Pro's Approach - M Flaherty - 50cm
Mystery Cards
- P O'Connor
- M Flaherty
Friday 1st September 2023 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - D Ferrier
Runner Up - O Spencer
Thursday 31th August 2023 - V'S Par - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - K Richardson +4
Runners Up
- G Fletcher +3
- T Lawler +1
- R Park +1
- J Townsend +1
- T Hancock +1
- P Fay - Sq
- W Brown - Sq
- A Sheather -1
- L Allsop -1
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - B Finlay
- 11th - T English
- 5th - K Richardson
- 14th - G Fletcher
- 9th - R Williams
- 18th - L Allsop
Mars Bar
- J Perkins
Wednesday 30th August 2023 - Ladies 27 Hole Foursomes
Metcalf Meats Trophy
Winners 27 Hole Gross - S Manwarring / J Hennessy
Winners 27 Hole Gross Runners up - L Gow / R Clark
27 Hole Nett Winners - R Robson / T Thomas
27 Hole Nett Runners up - G Ferrier / R Bell
18 Hole Nett Winners - J Hennessy / S Manwarring
18 Hole Nett Runners Up - T Thomas / R Robson
Nature Walk - H Campbell / S Spiteri
Tuesday 29th August 2023 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - P Newman - 39pts
Second Place - P O'Connor - 38pts
Third Place - T Hancock - 38pts
Ball Rundown
- R Harvey-Williams
- M Spencer
- B Spencer
- J Robinson Jnr
- B Jacobson
- B Ferrier
- D Ferrier
- R Standing
- K Keane
5/14 - P O'Connor
9/19 - J Robinson Jnr
Saturday 26th August 2023 - Single Stableford
Riverside Butchery Coraki Trophy
Overall and C Grade Winner - S Toppenberg - 39pts
A Grade Winner - P O'Connor - 38pts
B Grade Winner - P Wall - 38pts
Gross Winner - B Spencer
Ball Rundown
- C Woods
- D McPhie
- L Allsop
- W Legge
- D Knights
- M Sneesby
- G Irvine
- C Hastie
- L Newton
- M Newstead
- B Jacobson
- M Sigle
Winner - J Pethers - 45pts
Runners up
- D McPhie
- T Thomas
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - B Spencer
- 2nd/11th Ladies - K Fletcher
- 5th/14th Men - P Mitchell
- 5th/14th Ladies - C Youngberry
- 9th/18th Men - D McPhie
- 9th/18th Ladies - J Pethers
- 12th Pro's Approach - M Sneesby
Mystery Cards
- E Mackney
- B Finlay
Friday 25th August 2023 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - A Peters
Runner Up - M Knox
Thursday 24th August 2023 - 2BBB Stableford - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - T Hancock / L Allsop - 44pts
Runners Up
- J Robinson Jnr / J Robinson Snr - 43pts
- G Ireland / K Richardson - 42pts
- R Ware / E Mackney - 42pts
- G Kingdom / W Kessell - 42pts
- L Newton / K Richardson - 40pts
Best Individual
- G Kingdom - 39pts
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - J Robinson Jnr
- 11th - R Burns
- 5th - R Williams
- 14th - B Ferrier
- 9th - R Williams
- 18th - None
Mars Bar
- M Newstead
Wednesday 23rd August 2023 - Single Stableford - 3 Clubs & Putter
Gloria Bishop Memorial Trophy
Winner A Grade - R Robson - 37pts
Winner B Grade - C Husselbee - 37pts
Ball Rundown
- R Kinnane
- J Pethers
- S Black
- H Campbell
- C Husselbee
Nearest The Pin
- 2/11 - C Husselbee
- 5/14 - L Savins, H Campbell
- 9/18 - R Robson - Plover's Nest - 56cm
Mars Bar
- M Mann
Tuesday 22nd August 2023 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - R Clark - 38pts
Second Place - K Fletcher - 37pts
Ball Rundown
- G Fletcher
- P Fay
- A Peters
- W Brown
Mystery Prize
- K Fletcher
- G Fletcher
Saturday 19th August 2023 - 2BBB Stableford
WEHGC Trophy
Overall Winners - B Bevege / B Turner - 51pts
Runners up - A Peters / M Knox - 47pts
Best Individual - P Wall - 40pts c/b
Ball Rundown
- M Fava / B Morgan
- P Wall / D Ferrier
- J Robinson Snr / J Robinson Jnr
- A Sheather / B Taylor
- J Mulchay / D McPhie
- G Kingdom / S Toppenberg
- K Richardson / L Newton
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - S Toppenberg
- 2nd/11th Ladies - J Hennessy
- 5th/14th Men - M Fava
- 5th/14th Ladies - J Hennessy
- 9th/18th Men - M Fava
- 9th/18th Ladies - S Manwarring
- 12th Pro's Approach - B Spencer
- Plovers Nest 9/18 - M Fava
Mystery Cards
- T Hancock
- M Sneesby
Friday 18th August 2023 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - G Hudson - 27pts
Runner Up - K Fletcher - 25pts
Thursday 17th August 2023 - Single Stableford - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - K Richardson - 40pts
Runners Up
- T Hancock
- R Standing
- E Mackney
- N Mahoney
- K Keane
- T Lawler
- J Robinson Jnr
- T Manwarring
- M Fava
- B Jacobson
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - B Finlay
- 11th - E Mackney
- 5th - J Robinson Snr
- 14th - E Mackney
- 9th - T Lawler
- 18th - G Kingdom
Mars Bar
- J Baker
Wednesday 16th August 2023 - Single Stroke (Secret Nine)
Elaine Compton Trophy
Winner A Grade - L Gow
Winner B Grade - L Savins
Ball Rundown
- S Manwarring
- S Dumbleton
- J Leese
- M Patterson
- C Husselbee
Nearest The Pin
- 2/11 - R Robson
- 5/14 - L Gow
- 9/18 - M Patterson
Mars Bar
- J Pethers
Tuesday 15th August 2023 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - B Finlay - 39pts
Second Place - L Allsop - 38pts c/b
Third Place - R Standing - 38pts
Ball Rundown
- R Burns
- P Fay
- D McPhie
- R Ware
- R Turner
- T Hancock
- W Doran
- A Peters
- E Mackney
- C Hastie
Nearest the Pins
5/14 - D McPhie
9/18 - R Turner
Saturday 12th August 2023 - Single Stableford
Bill & Gail Ferrier Trophy
Overall and A Grade Winner - J Mulcahy - 39pts
B Grade Winner - G Dunne - 35pts
C Grade Winner - P Mulherin
Gross Winner - P O'Connor
Ball Rundown
- B Bevege
- E Mackney
- M Fava
- B Jacobson
- D McPhie
- T Lawler
- D McPhie
- P Carey
- M McPhie
- M Gittoes
- A Schmitt
Winner - D McPhie
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - G Ware
- 2nd/11th Ladies - S Jacobson
- 5th/14th Men - G Kingdom
- 5th/14th Ladies - D McPhie
- 9th/18th Men - A Schmitt
- 9th/18th Ladies - J Hennessy
- 12th Pro's Approach - B Spencer
Mystery Cards
- D Ferrier
- L Allsop
Friday 11th August 2023 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - C Husselbee - 26pts c/b
Runner Up - B Spencer - 26pts
Thursday 10th August 2023 - Single Stroke - Men's Vets - 4th Round Championships
Overall Winner - K Richardson - 68nett
Runners Up
- B Finlay - 69
- N Mahony - 70
- M Newstead - 70
- R Standing - 72
- L Allsop - 73
- B Jacobson - 73
- B Kessell - 73
- J Robinson Jnr - 73
- T Hancock -73
- E Mackney -74
- G Ireland - 74
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - M Fava
- 11th - M Newstead
- 5th - B Finlay
- 14th - T Hancock
- 9th - B Bevege
- 18th - J Perkins
Mars Bar
- D Ferrier
Wednesday 9th August 2023 - Single Stableford
Club Trophy
Winner A Grade - L Jeffery
Winner B Grade - T Thomas
Ball Rundown
- A Weaver
- K Fletcher
- S Dumbleton
- J Leese
Nearest The Pin
- 2/11 - S Dumbleton
- 5/14 - J Leese
- 9/18 - S Jacobson
Mars Bar
- C Husselbee
Tuesday 8th August 2023 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - G Ireland - 40pts
Second Place - G Kingdom - 39pts
Third Place - L Allsop - 38pts
Ball Rundown
- J O'Donnell
- B Ferrier
- T Hancock
- B Finlay
- P Fay
- J Robinson Snr
- G Dunne
- T Lawler
- R Burns
- B Bevege
- J Robinson Jnr
- T English
- J Hair
Nearest the Pins
5/14 - W Brown
9/18 - G Kingdom
Saturday 5th August 2023 - Final Round Beachside Bargains Skins
Winner - D Ferrier
Runners Up
- B Ferrier
- D McPhie
- B Morgan
Saturday 5th August 2023 - Single Stroke
Club Trophy
Overall and B Grade Winner - B Turner - 66 nett
A Grade Winner - B Ferrier - 67 nett
C Grade Winner - J Hepple - 68 nett
Gross Winner - B Finlay
Ball Rundown
- W Doran
- T Lawler
- G Dunne
- W Kessell
- W Legge
- D McPhie
- T Hancock
- J Robinson Snr
- J Perkins
- M Knox
Winner Putting
Men - M Gittoes - 25 putts
Ladies - R Kinnane - 27 putts
Winner - S Jacobson - 70 nett
Runners Up
- G Ferrier
- J Hennessy
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - Nil
- 2nd/11th Ladies - S Jacobson
- 5th/14th Men - M Newstead
- 5th/14th Ladies - J Hennessy
- 9th/18th Men - D Ferrier
- 9th/18th Ladies - G Ferrier
- 12th Pro's Approach - G Pawsey
Mystery Cards
- T Thomas
- D McPhie
Friday 4th August 2023 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - C Husselbee - 29pts
Runner Up - G Hudson - 28pts
Thursday 3rd August 2023 - Monthly Mug - Single Stroke & Putts - Men's Vets - 3rd Round Championships
Overall Winner - J Townsend - 67nett
Runners Up
- J Robinson Jnr - 69
- L Allsop - 69
- G Kingdom - 70
- T Manwarring - 70
- E Mackney - 70
- R Burns - 71
- B Finlay - 71
- T English - 71
- B Ferrier -71
- M Newstead -71
- R Ware - 72
Winner Putting
E Mackney - 24 putts
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - B Jacobson
- 11th - R Burns
- 5th - G Kingdom
- 14th - W Doran
- 9th - D Ferrier
- 18th - B Leeson
Mars Bar
- J Hardy
Wednesday 2nd August 2023 - Single Stroke & Putts - WGA and Club Medals & Final Round - Gwald Murray Memorial Trophy
Gillie Walker Trophy
Winner A Grade - L Gow
Winner B Grade - L Savins
Medal Winners
Winner A Grade - L Gow
Winner B Grade - R Clark
Winner C Grade - C Husselbee
Winner A Grade - J Hennessy
Winner B Grade - R Kinnane
Ball Rundown
- R Clark
- G Ferrier
- S Manwarring
- S Dumbleton
- R Kinnane
Nearest The Pin
- 5th/14th - M McCallum
Mars Bar
- T Thomas
Tuesday 1st August 2023 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - B Kinnane - 43pts
Second Place - B Jacobson - 41pts
Third Place - B Ferrier - 36pts
Ball Rundown
- B Fletcher
- R Burns
- W Brown
- B Finlay
- L Allsop
- J Townsend
- J Mullaly
- P Fay
- D McPhie
- P O'Connor
- D Ferrier
Saturday 29th July 2023 - V's Par
M Jarrett Trophy
Overall and A Grade Winner - R Pursey +3 c/b
B Grade Winner - A Sheather +3 c/b
C Grade Winner - C Thomas +3 c/b
Gross Winner - D McPhie
Ball Rundown
- M Gittoes
- M Knox
- J Weaver
- G Newman
- P O'Connor
- P Wall
- T Lawler
- C Cooksey
- S Toppenburg
- B Taylor
Winner - S Manwarring
Runner Up
- S O'Connor
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - C Thomas
- 2nd/11th Ladies - S Jacobson
- 5th/14th Men - A Sheather
- 5th/14th Ladies - J Hennessy
- 9th/18th Men - R Pursey
- 9th/18th Ladies - S Manwarring 10cm
- 12th Pro's Approach - Dylan McPhie
Mystery Cards
- R Harvey-Williams
- B Jacobson
Friday 28th July 2023 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - B Jacobson
Runner Up - M Knox
Thursday 27th July 2023 - Single Stableford - Men's Vets WEH V's Coraki
Overall Winner - T Lawler 40pts
Runners Up
- J Robinson Snr - 37pts
- M Newstead - 36pts
- R Park - 36pts
- E Mackney - 36pts
- R Standing - 36pts
- B Finlay - 35pts
- J Baker - 35pts
- K Harris - 35pts
- L Newton - 34pts
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - T McBurney
- 11th - B McDonald
- 5th - K Osbourne
- 14th - K Richardson
- 9th - J Baker
- 18th - K Harris
Mars Bar
- T Manwarring
Overall Winner - J Celich - 39pts
Runners Up
- G Tait - 36pts
- K Osbourne - 35pts
- B Collyer - 32pts
- T Duff - 32pts
- J Joght - 32pts
- G Gibson - 32pts
- J Weaver - 32pts
Mars Bar
- T McBurney
Wednesday 26th July 2023 - Single Stroke & Putts - Final Round Club Championships
Mobile Golf Shop Trophy
Winner A Grade - S Manwarring
Winner B Grade - J Pethers
Winner A Grade - S Manwarring
Winner B Grade - R Kinnane
Ball Rundown
- R Kinnane
- G Ferrier
- R Robson
- R Clark
- S Dumbleton
Nearest The Pin
- 5th/14th - None
Mars Bar
- L Savins
Tuesday 25th July 2023 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - R Park - 39pts
Second Place - P O'Connor - 36pts c/b
Third Place - J Robinson Jnr - 36pts c/b
Ball Rundown
- B Jacobson
- J Baker
- R Wear
- R Burns
- R Standing
- W Brown
- G Kingdom
- G Ireland
- D Stallman
- L Campbell
- P Fay
Nearest the Pin
- 5th/14th - W Brown
- 9th/18th - P O'Connor
Congratulations J Robinson Jnr - Hole In One on the Second
Saturday 22nd July 2023 - Single Stroke - 4th & Final Round Club Championships
Sponsored by Club Evans
Overall and B Grade Winner - K Richardson - 70
A Grade Winner - D McPhie - 73
C Grade Winner - W Legge - 74
Gross Winner - B Spencer
Ball Rundown
- P O'Connor
- R Pacheco
- P Wall
- B Ferrier
- S Colless
- S Toppenberg
- M McPhie
- B Morgan
- M Gittoes
- D Ferrier
- C Cooksey
Eagle on 12th
- B Spencer
Winner - S Jacobson - 74
Runners Up
- T Thomas
- K Fletcher
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - J Robinson Snr
- 2nd/11th Ladies - D McPhie 40cm
- 5th/14th Men - R Pacheco
- 5th/14th Ladies - J Hennessy
- 9th/18th Men - P Wall
- 9th/18th Ladies - K Fletcher
- 12th Pro's Approach - B Spencer (In the Hole)
Mystery Cards
- B Kinnane
- G Fletcher
Congratulations to finalists in Skins. To be played 12th August 2023
- D McPhie
- B Ferrier
- B Morgan
- D Ferrier
Friday 21st July 2023 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - P O'Connor
Runner Up - B Spencer
Thursday 20th July 2023 - 2BBB Stableford - Men's Vets
Overall Winners - I Davis / D Stallman
Runners Up
- L Campbell / J Townsend
- S Collis / J Boyd
- R Pacheco / B Finlay
- J Robinson Jnr / J Robinson Snr
- E Mackney / R Ware
Best Individual Score
- I Davis
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - R Burns
- 11th - S Collis
- 5th - D Ferreir
- 14th - M Newstead
- 9th - M Newstead
- 18th - R Burns
Mars Bar
- R Park / R Standing
Wednesday 19th July 2023 - Single Stroke & Putts - 3rd Round Club Championships
L Fawns Trophy
Winner A Grade - J Hennessy
Winner B Grade - L Gow
Winner A Grade - J Hennessy - 29 putts
Winner B Grade - R Kinnane - 27 putts
Ball Rundown
- G Ferrier
- L Bolger
- L Savins
- T Thomas
Nearest The Pin
- 5th/14th - L Savins
Mars Bar - S Manwarring
Tuesday 18th July 2023 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - J O'Donnell - 38pts c/b
Second Place - C Strong- 38
Third Place - B Ferrier - 36
Ball Rundown
- D Ferrier
- P Doyle
- J Paul Mullaly
- L Campbell
- J Hair
- R Burns
- B Finlay
- R Ware
- T English
- J Robinson Jnr
- J Robinson Snr
Nearest the Pin
- 5th/14th - P Doyle
- 9th/18th - L Campbell
Saturday 15th July 2023 - Single Stroke - 3rd Round Club Championships
Sponsored by Club Evans
Overall and A Grade Winner - B Ferrier- 68
B Grade Winner - L Newton - 71
C Grade Winner - W Legge - 69 c/b
Gross Winner - B Spencer-68
Ball Rundown
- D Ferrier
- T Lawler
- S Toppenberg
- P Doyle
- B Morgan
- C Strong
- G Dunne
- L Nilon
- D McPhie
- M Knox
- C Hastie
- J Robinson Snr
Winner - S Jacobson - 74 c/b
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - B Spencer
- 2nd/11th Ladies - K Fletcher
- 5th/14th Men - D McPhie
- 5th/14th Ladies - S Manwarring
- 9th/18th Men -B Ferrier
- 9th/18th Ladies - S Manwarring
- 12th Pro's Approach - M Flaherty
Mystery Cards
- J Hepple
- B Spencer
Friday 14th July 2023 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - J Robinson Snr
Runner Up - Debbie McPhie
Thursday 13th July 2023 - Single Stroke & Putts - Men's Vets - 2nd Round Championships
Overall Winners - G Fletcher - 66
Runners Up
- B Kinnane - 68
- B Ferrier - 69
- B Finlay - 70
- M Fava - 71
- J Hepple - 72
- W Kessell- 72
- J Townsend - 73
- R Ware - 73
- T Hancock - 73
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - J Robinson Jnr
- 11th - J Robinson Jnr
- 5th - B Ferreir
- 14th - B Finlay
- 9th - J Hepple
- 18th - G Fletcher
Mars Bar - J Boyd
Wednesday 12th July 2023 - Single Stroke & Putts - 2nd Round Club Championships
C Husselbee & J Leese Trophy
Winner A Grade - L Jeffery
Winner B Grade - L Gow
Winner A Grade - L Jeffery
Winner B Grade - R Kinnane
Ball Rundown
- M Patterson
- S Spiteri
- R Robson
- S Manwarring
- H Campbell
Nearest The Pin
- 5th/14th - R Clark
Mars Bar - J Pethers
Tuesday 11th July 2023 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner -T Hancock - 39pts
Second Place - R Ware - 37 c/b
Third Place - B Kinnane - 37
Ball Rundown
- R Burns
- G Dunne
- R Harvey-Williams
- J Robinson Snr
- P Fay
- Debbie McPhie
- D McPhie
- J O'Donnell
- G Fletcher
- A Peters
- W Brown
- E Mackney
Nearest the Pin
- 5th/14th - B Bevege
- 9th/18th - G Fletcher
Saturday 8th July 2023 - Single Stroke & Putts - 2nd Round Championships
Sponsored by Club Evans
Overall and C Grade Winner - L Nilon - 67
A Grade Winner - D McPhie - 71
B Grade Winner - R Turner
Gross Winner - J P Mullaly - 75 c/b
Ball Rundown
- B Ferrier
- P Doyle
- B Jacobson
- C Strong
- B Morgan
- T Hancock
- B Kinnane
- L Allsop
- R Pacheco
- G Kingdom
- P Wall
Winner - K Fletcher - 72
Runner/Up - S Manwarring
Winner Putting - K Fletcher
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - B Kinnane
- 2nd/11th Ladies - K Fletcher
- 5th/14th Men - K Richardson
- 5th/14th Ladies - S Jacobson
- 9th/18th Men - B Spencer
- 9th/18th Ladies - C Youngberry
- 12th Pro's Approach - A Irvine
Mystery Cards
- B Spencer
- B Taylor
Friday 7th July 2023 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - D McPhie
Runner Up - A Peters
Thursday 6th July 2023 - Monthly Mug - Single Stroke & Putts - Men's Vets - 1st Round Championships
Overall Winners - R Ware - 64
Runners Up
- D Ferrier - 69
- L Newton - 69
- J Robinson Jnr - 70
- P Fay - 72
- J Boyd - 73
- R Burns - 73
- T Manwarring - 73
- J Perkins - 73
- K Richardson - 74
- M Newstead - 74
- G Kingdom - 74
- K Keane - 74
Winner of Putting
- J Robinson Jnr - 24 putts
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - J Robinson Jnr
- 11th - L Newton
- 5th - R Standing
- 14th -J Hepple
- 9th - J Robinson Jnr
- 18th - None
Mars Bar - B Kinnane
Wednesday 5th July 2023 - Single Stroke & Putts - 1st Round Club Championships
R Robson Trophy
Winner A Grade - S Jacobson
Winner B Grade - C Husselbee
Winner A Grade - J Hennessy
Winner B Grade - R Bell
Ball Rundown
- L Gow
- R Bell
- K Fletcher
- R Clark
- J Hennessy
Nearest The Pin
- 5th/14th -L Gow
Mars Bar - J Pethers
Tuesday 4th July 2023 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - J Perkins - 35pts
Second Place - T English - 34pts c/b
Ball Rundown
- R Burns
- L Allsop
- W Brown
Nearest the Pin
- 5th/14th - W Brown
- 9th/18th - R Burns
Saturday 1st July 2023 - Single Stroke & Putts - 1st Round Championships
Sponsored by Club Evans
Overall and B Grade Winner -T Hancock - 69 c/b
A Grade Winner - J Robinson Jnr - 69
C Grade Winner - B Kinnane -70
Gross Winner - M Flaherty
Winner Putting - G Kingdom - 24 putts
Ball Rundown
- G Kingdom
- W Legge
- B Finlay
- B Morgan
- S Toppenberg
- P Doyle
- B Ferrier
- W Kessell
- B Bevege
- G Ware
- D Ferrier
- J Perkins
Winner - S Manwarring - 67
Runner/Up - K Fletcher
Winner Putting - K Fletcher
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men -B Finlay
- 2nd/11th Ladies -S Manwarring
- 5th/14th Men -W Kessell
- 5th/14th Ladies -K Fletcher
- 9th/18th Men - M Sneesby
- 9th/18th Ladies - J Hennessy
- 12th Pro's Approach - D Ferrier
Mystery Cards
- J Perkins
- P Carey
Friday 30th June 2023 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - P O'Connor
Runner Up - P Carey
Thursday 29th June 2023 - Single Stableford - WEH Men's Vets V's Maclean Vets
Winners of the Day - Maclean
Overall Winner - WEH- B Kinnane - 37pts
Runners Up
- L Allsop - 36pts
- K Keane - 36pts
- E Mackney - 35pts
- M Newstead - 34pts
- W Brown - 34pts
- T Hancock - 34pts
- G Kingdom - 34pts
- D Ferrier - 34pts
- B Jacobson - 35pts
- C Youngberry - 33pts
- D Perkins - 33pts
Overall Winner Maclean - J Ellis - 37pts
Runners Up
- J Carlton - 34pts
- J Porter - 33pts
- T Turner - 33pts
- B Harvey - 32pts
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - None
- 11th - None
- 5th -J Carlton
- 14th - L Newton
- 9th -K Keane
- 18th - J Ellis
Mars Bar
G Fletcher, G Lloyd
Wednesday 28th June 2023 - 3 Person Mexican Ambrose
C Youngberry & S Dumbleton Trophy
Winners - K Fletcher, S Spiteri, L Gow, A Weaver
Ball Rundown
- T Thomas, J Hennesssy, G Ferrier
- D Brebner, S Dumbleton, M McCallum
- S Manwarring, S Jacobson, R Robson
Nearest The Pin
- 5th/14th -S Manwarring
Mars Bar
R Bell, H Campbell, C Husselbee
Tuesday 27th June 2023 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - P Doyle - 39 pts
Second Place - J Robinson Snr - 37pts
Third Place - T Hancock - 36 pts
Ball Rundown
- J Townsend
- G Howes
- G Dunne
- R Hulbert
- G Ireland
- J Robinson Jnr
- G Kingdom
- E Mackney
- P Fay
- L Allsop
- B Kinnane
- R Park
- B Bevege
Nearest the Pin
- 5th/14th - E Mackney
- 9th/18th - P Doyle
Saturday 24th June 2023 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by CPC - Clifford Pest Control (Jake Clifford)
Overall and C Grade Winner - D Tubbett - 42pts
A Grade Winner - P Doyle - 39pts
B Grade Winner - P Newman - 39pts
Gross Winner - B Finlay
Ball Rundown
- N Field
- B Morgan
- T Hancock
- L Newton
- M Newstead
- W Kessell
- G Irvine
- E Mackney
- W Legge
- J Robinson Snr
- C Cooksey
- P Mulherin
- K Keane
- G Kingdom
Winner - J Hennessy
Runner/Up - C Youngberry
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - M Flaherty
- 2nd/11th Ladies - C Youngberry
- 5th/14th Men - L Newton
- 5th/14th Ladies - D McPhie
- 9th/18th Men - J Robinson Snr
- 9th/18th Ladies - C Youngberry & J Hennessy
- 12th Pro's Approach - J O'Donnell
Mystery Cards
- M Flaherty
- B Kessell
Friday 23rd June 2023 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - A Rayner
Runner Up - B Morgan
Thursday 22nd June 2023 - Single Stableford - Men's Vets
Overall Winners - J Perkins - 41pts
Runners Up
- T Lawler - 38pts
- K Keane - 38pts
- J Campbell - 38pts
- L Newton - 37pts
- B Kessell - 36pts
- R Burns - 36pts
- T Thomas - 36pts
- T English - 35pts
- L Campbell - 35pts
- G Ireland - 35pts
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - B Kessell
- 11th - G Ireland
- 5th - S Colless (Plovers Nest)
- 14th - B Finlay
- 9th - T Hancock
- 18th - B Kessell
Mars Bar - S Colless
Wednesday 21st June 2023 - Ladies Single Stroke - Final Round Shirley Payne Eclectic
Shirley Payne Memorial Trophy
Winner - T Thomas - 72 nett c/b
Ladies Single Stroke & Putts
J Leese & C Husselbee Trophy
Winner A Grade - S Manwarring
Winner B Grade - T Thomas
Ball Rundown
- S Dumbleton
- L Savins
- H Savins
- L Gow
A Grade - S Manwarring - 24 putts
B Grade - L Savins - 31 putts
Nearest The Pin
- 5th/14th - S Spiteri
Mars Bar
S Jacobson
Tuesday 20th June 2023 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - J Baker - 38 pts
Second Place - G Ireland - 36 pts c/b
Third Place - R Burns - 36 pts
Ball Rundown
- G Kingdom
- W Brown
- T O'Connor
- B Kinnane
- J Perkins
- P Newman
- L Allsop
- D McPhie
- J Robinson Jnr
- B Ferrier
- K Keane
- B Finlay
- D Stallmen
- R Hulbert
Nearest the Pin
- 5th/14th - J Robinson Snr
- 9th/18th - D McPhie
Sunday 18th June 2023 - Mixed Foursomes Championships
27 Hole Gross Champions - D Ferrier / C Youngberry
27 Hole Net Winners - B Finlay / T Thomas
9 Hole Net Winners - B Jacobson / S Jacobson
Ball Rundown
- J Perkins / D Perkins
- E Mackney / L Jeffery
- B Ferrier / G Ferrier
- B Kinnane / R Kinnane
Saturday 17th June 2023 - Single Stroke
Sponsored by Boral Constructions
Overall and C Grade Winner - L Nilon - 64 nett
A Grade Winner - B Bevege
B Grade Winner - J O'Donnell
Gross Winner - B Spencer
Ball Rundown
- P O'Connor
- B Finlay
- M Knox
- D McPhie
- W Ferrier
- G Irvine
- M Fava
- R Harvey-Williams
- J Robinson Jnr
- D Ferrier
Winner - S O'Connor
Runner/Up - D McPhie
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - P O'Connor - 1.4cm
- 2nd/11th Ladies - S Manwarring
- 5th/14th Men - L Nilon - 73cm
- 5th/14th Ladies - S Jacobson
- 9th/18th Men - B Morgan
- 9th/18th Ladies - D McPhie
- Plovers Nest 9/18 - B Morgan
- 12th Pro's Approach - M Newstead
Mystery Cards
- J Robinson Jnr
- M Sneesby
Friday 16th June 2023 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - W Legge
Runner Up - P O'Connor
Thursday 15th June 2023 - 2BBB Stableford - Men's Vets
Overall Winners - G Kingdom / A Sheather - 44pts
Runners Up
- B Leeson / D Stallman
- R Ware / E Mackney
- M Fava / T English
- W Doran / J Townsend
- J Perkins / G Ireland
- J Hammond / B Kinnane
Best Individual Score
- G kingdom - 37pts
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - T English
- 11th - B Bevege
- 5th - T English
- 14th - B Ferrier
- 9th - K Keane
- 18th - M Newstead
Mars Bar - K Keane / B Jacobson
Wednesday 14th June 2023 - Ladies Single Stroke - 1st Round Shirley Payne Eclectic
Kerrie Fletcher Trophy
Winner A Grade - S Jacobson - 73nett
Winner B Grade - T Thomas - 71nett
Ball Rundown
- A Weaver
- H Savins
- R Bell
- S Dumbleton
A Grade - S Jacobson
B Grade - H Campbell
Nearest The Pin
- 5th/14th - J Hennessy
Mars Bar - R Robson
Tuesday 13th June 2023 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - B Bevege - 36 pts
Second Place - T Hancock - 35 pts c/b
Third Place - R Burns - 35 pts c/b
Ball Rundown
- A Sheather
- D McPhie
- R Hulbert
- R Ware
- L Allsop
- B Finlay
- W Doran
- T O'Connor
- L Kean
- T Lawler
- J Baker
Nearest the Pin
- 5th/14th - J O'Donnell
- 9th/18th - A Sheather
Saturday 10th June 2023 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by WEHGC Vets
Overall and A Grade Winner - D Ferrier - 41pts
B Grade Winner - P Newman - 37pts
C Grade Winner - B Kinnane
Gross Winner - B Spencer
Ball Rundown
- G Dunne
- J Hennessy
- E Mackney
- R Turner
- L Newton
- M Flaherty
- G Irvine
- M Knox
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - B Morgan
- 2nd/11th Ladies - S O'Connor
- 5th/14th Men - B Spencer
- 5th/14th Ladies - J Hennessy
- 9th/18th Men - B Turner
- 9th/18th Ladies - S Manwarring
- 12th Pro's Approach - E Mackney
Mystery Cards
- M Knox
- P O'Connor
Friday 9th June 2023 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - W Legge
Runner Up - P Wall
Thursday 8th June 2023 - Single Stableford - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - J Robinson Jnr
Runners Up
- E Mackney
- S Colless
- B Jacobson
- G Kingdom
- P Fay
- J Robinson Snr
- T Hancock
- R Burns
- J Hammond
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - J Hammond
- 11th - E Mackney
- 5th - J Campbell
- 14th - A Skinner
- 9th - A Skinner
- 18th - A Skinner
Wednesday 7th June 2023 - Ladies Monthly Medal & Single Stroke & Putts
H Campbell & N Webb Trophy
Winner A Grade & Medal - L Jeffery - 71nett
Winner B Grade & Medal - T Thomas - 71nett
Ball Rundown
- J Hennessy
- L Gow
- R Kinnane
- S Dumbleton
A Grade - C Youngberry 23putts
B Grade - R Kinnane 27 putts
Nearest The Pin
- 5th/14th - A Weaver
Mars Bar
L Bolger
Tuesday 6th June 2023 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - T English - 39 pts
Second Place - J Robinson Snr - 38 pts
Third Place - S O'Connor - 37 pts c/b
Ball Rundown
- B Spencer
- B Jacobson
- E Mackney
- R Burns
- B Finlay
- J O'Donnell
- C Young
- A Peters
- J Perkins
- J Baker
- L Dunne
- P Fay
- B Ferrier
Nearest the Pin
- 5th/14th - J Robinson Jnr
- 9th/18th - B Spencer
Saturday 3rd June 2023 - Monthly Medal - Stroke & Putts
Sponsored by Casino RSM Club (Beef Week)
Overall and B Grade Winner - J Perkins - 66 nett
A Grade Winner - P O'Connor - 69 nett
C Grade Winner - P Thomas -72 nett c/b
Gross Winner - J Robinson Jnr
Putting - J Robinson Jnr - 26 putts
Ball Rundown
- A Sheather
- M Newstead
- A Peters
- B Jacobson
- T English
- L Allsop
- M Sneesby
- E Mackney
- D Ferrier
- W Legge
- A Schmitt
Ladies Winner - S O'Connor - 72 nett
Ladies Balls
G Ferrier
S Jacobson
Ladies Putting - Winner - S O'Connor
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - D Ferrier
- 2nd/11th Ladies - S O'Connor
- 5th/14th Men - M Flaherty
- 5th/14th Ladies - J Hennessy
- 9th/18th Men - T English
- 9th/18th Ladies - S O'Connor
- 12th Pro's Approach - M Flaherty - 14cm
Mystery Cards
- M Flaherty
- M Sneesby
Friday 2nd June 2023 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - W Harris
Runner Up - J O'Donnell
Thursday 1st June 2023 - Monthly Mug - Stroke & Putts - Men's Vets
Casino RSM Club Beef Week Trophy
Overall Winner - M Newstead
Runners Up
- K Keane
- R Pacheco
- R Burns
- B Finlay
- T Thomas
- W Kessell
- B Ferrier
- W Doran
- J Baker
Putts - R Burns
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - T English
- 11th - M Newstead
- 5th - G Kingdom
- 14th - B Ferrier
- 9th - D Stallman
- 18th - A Skinner
Wednesday 31st May 2023 - Ladies Canadian Foursomes
Casino RSM Club Beef Week Trophy
Winners - S Manwarring / J Hennessy
Runners Up - S Jacobson / S Spiteri
Ball Rundown
- G Ferrier / R Bell
- S Black / R Clark
- J Pethers / T Thomas
- A Weaver / C Husselbee
Nearest The Pin
- 5th/14th - R Robson / L Bolger
Mars Bar
J Pethers / H Campbell
Tuesday 30th May 2023 - Single Stableford
Sponsored By Casino RSM Club - Beef Week
Overall Winner - L Allsop - 42 pts
Second Place - D Ferrier - 37 pts c/b
Third Place - G Kingdom - 37 pts
Ball Rundown
- B Spencer
- B Jacobson
- J Robinson Snr
- J Perkins
- G Dunne
- S Hulbert
- A Peters
- B Ferrier
- W Brown
- J Robinson Jnr
Nearest the Pin
- 5th/14th - P Newman
- 9th/18th - L Allsop
Saturday 27th May 2023 - 2B Agg Stroke
Sponsored by W Doran
Overall Winners - J Perkins / R Ware
R/Up - M Newstead / C Cooksey
Individual Winner - A Schmitt
Ball Rundown
- S Colless
- B Bevege
- T Hancock
- L Allsop
- P Thomas
- E Mackney
- M Sneesby
- M Gittoes
- M Sigle
- D Knight
- M McPhie
- D McPhie
- R Harvey-Williams
- A Schmitt
- A Sheather
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - M McPhie
- 2nd/11th Ladies - D McPhie
- 5th/14th Men - E Mackney
- 5th/14th Ladies - None
- 9th/18th Men - M Sneesby
- 9th/18th Ladies - S Jacobson
- 12th Pro's Approach - B Bevege
Mystery Cards
- S Colless
- G Ferrier
Friday 26th May 2023 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - W Legge
Runner Up - A Raynor
Thursday 25th May 2023 - 2BBB Stableford - Men's Vets
Overall Winners - B Leeson /T English
Runners Up
- B Ferrier / D Ferrier
- K Keane / B Jacobson
- G Kingdom / A Sheather
- F Murdock / R Park
Best Individual Score - K Keane - 39pts
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - R Burns
- 11th - B Ferrier
- 5th - L Newton
- 14th - F Murdock
- 9th - A Sheather
- 18th - K Keane
Mars Bars - C Young / G Platt
Wednesday 24th May 2023 - Ladies 2BBB Stableford
Robyn Clark & Lindy Gow Trophy
Winners - L Jeffery / L Savins 41pts
Ball Rundown
- R Clark / L Gow
- J Hennessy / T Thomas
- R Kinnane / H Savins
Nearest The Pin
- 2nd/11th - R Kinnane
- 5th/14th - C Youngberry
- 9th/18th - S Manwarring
Tuesday 23rd May 2023 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - G Kingdom - 37 pts
Second Place - B Jacobson - 36 pts
Third Place - J Robinson Jnr - 35 pts
Ball Rundown
- A Peters
- L Allsop
- W Brown
- R Hulbert
Saturday 20th May 2023 - Single Stableford
Sponsored by WEHGC
Overall & C Grade Winner - B Kinnane - 39pts
A Grade Winner - B Bevege - 38pts c/b
B Grade Winner - M Newstead- 38pts
Gross Winner - M Williams
Ball Rundown
- A Borton
- R Pacheco
- J O'Donnell
- G Dunne
- P O'Connor
- P Mulherin
- J Perkins
- T Hancock
- B Morgan
- S Colless
- B Taylor
Overall Winner - D Perkins - 35pts
Ball Rundown - S Jacobson
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - M Newstead
- 2nd/11th Ladies - D McPhie - 3cm
- 5th/14th Men - C Cooksey
- 5th/14th Ladies - J Hennessy
- 9th/18th Men - J O'Donnell
- 9th/18th Ladies - S Jacobson - In Hole
- 12th Pro's Approach - B Bevege - In Hole & Eagle
Mystery Cards
- S Manwarring
- M Newstead
Friday 19th May 2023 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - B Spencer
Runner Up - P O'Connor
Thursday 18th May 2023 - Single Stroke - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - W Kessell - 68 nett
Runners Up
- T English - 68 nett
- J Perkins - 68 nett
- B Leeson - 70 nett
- J Hepple - 70 nett
- T Thomas - 72 nett
- R Ware - 72 nett
- L Allsop - 73 nett
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - R Burns
- 11th - M Fava
- 5th - J Perkins
- 14th - W Brown
- 9th - G Platt
- 18th - None
Wednesday 17th May 2023 - Ladies Single Stroke
Alisha, Dominic & Arabella Youngberry and Mick Hardy Trophy
Winner A Grade - J Hennessy
Winner B Grade - L Bolger
Ball Rundown
- J Hennessy
- T Thomas
- R Kinnane
Nearest The Pin
- 2nd/11th - L Gow
- 5th/14th - None
- 9th/18th - L Savins
Saturday 13th May 2023 - Single Stroke
Sponsored by New World Foods - D Mackney
Overall & B Grade Winner - A Sheather - 65 nett
A Grade Winner - G Kingdom - 68 nett
C Grade Winner - M Knox - 70 nett
A Grade R/U - R Pacheco - 72 nett
B Grade R/U - J Mulcahy - 66 nett
C Grade R/U - B Kinnane - 75 c/b
Gross Winner - J Robinson Jnr
Ball Rundown
- M Fava
- P Newman
- B Bevege
- S Colless
- D Mackney
- W Kessell
- T Hancock
- M Sneesby
- P Mitchell
- A Borton
- J Perkins
Overall Winner - K Fletcher - 75 c/b
R/U - D Perkins
Ball - R Kinnane c/b
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - J Mulchay
- 2nd/11th Ladies - J Hennessy - 90cm
- 5th/14th Men - A Sheather
- 5th/14th Ladies - K Fletcher
- 9th/18th Men - A Borton
- 9th/18th Ladies - J Hennessy - 23cm
- 12th Pro's Approach - B Ferrier
Mystery Cards
- J Hennessy
- S Jacobson
Friday 12th May 2023 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - D Ferrier - c/b
Runner Up - B Bevege
Thursday 11th May 2023 - Single Stableford - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - T Hawkins - 38pts
Runners Up
- P Fay - 35pts
- J Baker - 35pts
- E Mackney - 35pts
- R Burns - 35pts
- M Newstead - 34pts
- W Kessell - 34pts
- B Ferrier - 34pts
- G Ireland - 34pts
- D Ferrier - 34pts
- R Pacheco - 34pts
- L Allsop - 33pts
- K Richardson - 33pts
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - B Finlay
- 11th - B Finlay
- 5th - B Bevege
- 14th - None
- 9th - W Kessell
- 18th - E Mackney
Mars Bar - W Brown
Wednesday 10th May 2023 - Ladies 2BBB V's Par
Sharen Manwarring Trophy
Winners - L Gow / R Clark - +9
Runners Up - J Leese / K Fletcher - +8
Ball Rundown
- J Hennessy / R Robson
- S Spiteri / H Campbell
Nearest The Pin
- 2nd/11th - S Black
- 5th/14th - J Hennessy
- 9th/18th - S Manwarring
Mars Bar - R Bell / S Jacobson
Tuesday 9th May 2023 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - L Allsop - 37 pts
Second Place - G Kingdom - 36 pts
Third Place - J Perkins - 35 pts c/b
Ball Rundown
- T O'Connor
- L Campbell
- D Ferrier
- R Harvey-Williams
- W Brown
- K Keane
- J Robinson Snr
Nearest the Pin
- 5th/14th - L Allsop
- 9th/18th - P Newman
Saturday 6th May 2023 - Single Stroke and Putts
Sponsored by WEHGC
Overall & B Grade Winner - B Morgan - 68 nett
A Grade Winner - B Ferrier - 69 nett c/b
C Grade Winner - A Schmitt - 71 nett
Gross Winner - L Edwards - 75
Ball Rundown
- A Sheather
- G Kingdom
- R Pacheco
- B Bevege
- T Hawkins
- G Fletcher
- M McPhie
- C Cooksey
- G Dunne
- B Taylor
- B Kinnane
Overall Winner - S Manwarring
Ball - R Kinnane
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - R Pacheco
- 2nd/11th Ladies - S Jacobson
- 5th/14th Men - R Harvey-Williams
- 5th/14th Ladies - K Fletcher
- 9th/18th Men - B Jacobson
- 9th/18th Ladies - J Hennessy
- 12th Pro's Approach - M Sneesby
Mystery Cards
- J Robinson Snr
- A Peters
Friday 5th May 2023 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - D Ferrier - 26pts
Runner Up - P O'Connor - 25pts
Thursday 4th May 2023 - Monthly Mug - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - L Allsop - 69
Runners Up
- B Ferrier - 69
- I Davis - 69
- J Robinson Snr - 70
- J Weaver - 71
- S Colless - 71
- W Brown - 71
- T Hancock - 71
- J Robinson Jnr - 71
- K Keane - 71
- F Murdock - 71
- B Kinnane - 72
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - R Burns
- 11th - R Burns
- 5th - R Williams
- 14th - W Doran
- 9th - J Robinson Snr
-18th - L Newton
Mars Bar - B Bevege
Wednesday 3rd May 2023 - Ladies Single Stroke, Putting & Monthly Medals
S Black Trophy
Winner - A Grade - K Fletcher - 70
Winner - B Grade - L Gow - 70
Monthly Medals
Winner - A Grade - K Fletcher
Winner - B Grade - L Gow
Ball Rundown
- L Bolger
- S Manwarring
- R Clark
- M Patterson
Nearest The Pin
- 5th/14th - K Fletcher
Mars Bar - S Black
Tuesday 2nd May 2023 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - B Ferrier - 39 pts
Second Place - T Hawkins- 38pts
Third Place - E Mackney - 37pts
Ball Rundown
- W Brown
- F Murdock
- J Hammond
- L Allsop
- R Hulbert
- G Ireland
- D Ferrier
- B Bevege
- J Robinson Jnr
- W Doran
- G Kingdom
- T O'Connor
Nearest the Pin
- 5th/14th - None
- 9th/18th - F Murdock
Saturday 29th April 2023 - Single Stroke
Sponsored by Greg & Kerrie Fletcher
Congratulations - Hole in One on 5th - R Taylor
Congratulations - Hole in One on 9th - A Schmitt
Congratulations - Eagle on 1st - J Ferrier
Congratulations - Eagle on 12th - D McPhie
Overall & B Grade Winner - J Ferrier - 63 nett
C Grade Winner - B Kinnane - 67 nett
A Grade Winner - M McPhie - 67 nett
Gross Winner - B Spencer - 76 c/b
Ball Rundown
- D McPhie
- B Morgan
- S Young
- T Robson
- A Sheather
- H Batteye
- M Knox
- B Taylor
- R Pacheco
- B Jacobson
- P Newman
- J Mulcahy
- P Wall
Overall Winner - L Waring
Ball - J Hennessy
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - S Young
- 2nd/11th Ladies - S Manwarring - 67cm
- 5th/14th Men - R Taylor - Hole in one
- 5th/14th Ladies - L Waring
- 9th/18th Men - A Schmitt - Hole in one
- 9th/18th Ladies - J Hennessy - 36cm
- 12th Pro's Approach - D McPhie - Eagle, In the hole
Mystery Cards
- M Sigle
- P Carey
Friday 28th April 2023 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - W Legge - 27pts
Runner Up - A Peters
Thursday 27th April 2023 - 2B Agg Stableford - Men's Vets
Overall Winners - B Finlay / M Newstead
Runners Up
- J Weaver / B Turner
- S Colless / R Pacheco
- L Newton / K Richardson
- R Ware / E Mackney
- B Leeson / R Burns
- W Doran / G Ireland
Best Individual Score - S Colless - 39pts
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - M Fava
- 11th - R Burns / T Hancock
- 5th - None
- 14th - K Keane
- 9th - L Allsop
-18th - G Mackney
Mars Bar - B Bevege / M Jarrett
Wednesday 26th April 2023 - Ladies Single Stableford - J Pethers Trophy
Winner - A Grade - K Fletcher - 34pts
Winner - B Grade - L Savins - 36pts
Ball Rundown
- T Thomas
- J Hennessy
- G Ferrier
- C Husselbee
Nearest The Pin
- 2nd/11th - S Manwarring
- 5th/14th - S Manwarring
- 9th/18th - T Thomas
Mars Bar - H Campbell
Tuesday 25th April 2023 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - A Peters - 39 pts c/b
Second Place - M Flaherty - 39 pts c/b
Third Place - A Schmitt - 39
Ball Rundown
- R Harvey-Williams
- K Keane
- B Finlay
- D Oliver
- M Knox
- T Hawkins
- D Ferrier
- B Spencer
- L Allsop
- R Burns
- M Spencer
- S Colless
- J Robinson Jnr
- R Kinnane
- G Fletcher
- T Hancock
Nearest the Pin
- 5th/14th - R Burns
- 9th/18th - D Ferrier
Sunday 23rd April 2023 - RSL Golf 12 Holes
Overall Winner - G Kingdom
Runner Up - A Peters
Saturday 22nd April 2023 - American Foursomes
Sponsored by Jim & Di Perkins
Overall Winners - R Ware / E Mackney - 66.625
Runners Up - S Colless / B Bevege - 67.750
Ball Rundown
- J Robinson Snr / J Robinson Jnr
- M Knox / M Flaherty
- G Kingdom / C Hastie
- P Newman / A Schmitt
- M Newstead / C Cooksey
- B Kinnane / R Kinnane
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - A Schmitt
- 2nd/11th Ladies - S O'Connor
- 5th/14th Men - B Kessell
- 5th/14th Ladies - None
- 9th/18th Men - M Sneesby
- 9th/18th Ladies - R Kinnane
- 12th Pro's Approach - M Flaherty
Mystery Cards
- G Dunne
- L Newton
Wednesday 19th April 2023 - Ladies V's Par
Winner - A Grade - S Black
Winner - B Grade - M Patterson
Ball Rundown
- K Fletcher
- R Robson
- J Hennessy
- H Campbell
- J Leese
Nearest The Pin
- 2nd/11th - L Savins
-5th/14th - A Weaver
-9th/18th - S Manwarring
Mars Bar - R Kinnane
Tuesday 18th April 2023 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - R Hulbert - 38 pts
Second Place - J Robinson Snr - 37pts c/b
Third Place - W Brown - 37pts
Ball Rundown
- T O'Connor
- T English
- T Hancock
- S Holbert
Nearest the Pin
- 5th/14th - T Hancock
- 9th/18th - J Robinson Snr
Sunday 16th April 2023 - RSL Golf 12 Holes
Overall Winner - D Ferrier
Runner Up - C Hastie
Saturday 15th April 2023 - 4 Person Ambrose
Sponsored by Dingo Demolitions
Overall Winners - J Robinson Snr / J Robinson Jnr / P Newman / A Schmitt - 54 1/8
Runners Up - P Thomas / G Thomas / P Carey / B Mayes - 55 1/4
Ball Rundown
- D Boylan / D Evans / J Caronhevby / A Peths
- A Sheather / T Hancock / L Allsop / K Richardson
- T Jenkins / N Fiern / R Hereman / D Diews
- G Dunne / J O'Donnell / C Cooksey / M Newstead
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - C Thomas
- 2nd/11th Ladies - None
- 5th/14th Men - D Boylan
- 5th/14th Ladies - L Jeffery
- 9th/18th Men - D Boylan
- 9th/18th Ladies - None
- 12th Pro's Approach - J O'Donnell (In the hole)
J O'Donnell Eagle on 12th
Mystery Cards
- D Boylan
- B Kinnane
Friday 14th April 2023 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - P O'Connor
Runner Up - D Oliver
Thursday 13th April 2023 - Single Stableford - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - B Finlay - 36 c/b
Runners Up
- G Ireland - 36
- W Brown - 35
- W Doran - 35
- G Fletcher - 35
- T Hancock - 34
- W Kessell - 34
- D Ferrier - 33
- J Robinson Jnr - 33
- R Ware - 33
- T Thomas - 32
- K Keane - 32
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - B Finlay
- 11th - B Finlay
- 5th - W Doran
- 14th - M Newstead
- 9th - S Colless
-18th - K Keane
Mars Bar - G Taggett
Wednesday 12th April 2023 - Ladies Single Stroke & Putts
Winner - A Grade - K Fletcher - 66
Winner - B Grade - R Clark - 69
Ball Rundown
- R Robson
- J Leese
- J Pethers
- H Savins
- A Grade - J Leese - 26 Putts
- B Grade - R Kinnane - 26 Putts
Nearest The Pin
-5th/14th - K Fletcher
Mars Bar - S Black
Tuesday 11th April 2023 - Single Stableford
Overall Winner - L Allsop - 37 pts
Second Place - R Ware - 36 pts
Third Place - B Jacobson - 35 pts c/b
Ball Rundown
- J Robinson Jnr
- K Keane
- J Hair
- L Campbell
- A Lesleigher
- G Dunne
Nearest the Pin
- 5th/14th - J Robinson Jnr
- 9th/18th - W Brown
Sunday 9th April 2023 - RSL Golf 12 Holes
Overall Winner - J Perkins
Saturday 8th April 2023 - 2BBB V's Par
Overall Winners - G Ware / R Ware - +9
Runners Up - J O'Donnell / G Dunne - +8
Individual Winner - B Morgan - +2
Ball Rundown
- M Legge
- B Lovett
- L Morgan
- C Strong
- B Morgan
- B Jacobson
- G Pawsey
- P Wall
- A Irvine
- J Hepple
- J Hammond
- M Fava
- P Wall (Visitor)
- B Cox
Individual Winner - K Fletcher - +3
Nearest the Pins
- 2nd/11th Men - G Ware
- 2nd/11th Ladies - S Manwarring
- 5th/14th Men - S Gilmore
- 5th/14th Ladies - S Manwarring
- 9th/18th Men - K Gordon
- 9th/18th Ladies - K Fletcher / S Manwarring
- 12th Pro's Approach - M Flatherty
Mystery Cards
- L Allsop
- S Manwarring
Congratulations Winners 4BBB Knockout Competition
- B Jacobson / B Morgan
Friday 7th April 2023 - 12 Hole Single Stableford
Overall Winner - J Perry - 26pts
Runner Up - S Spiteri - 25pts
Thursday 6th April 2023 - Monthly Mug, Single Stroke & Putts - Men's Vets
Overall Winner - M Fava - 67 c/b
Runners Up
- K Richardson - 67
- S Colless - 68
- L Allsop - 71
- R Burns - 71
- B Ferrier - 72
- B Jacobson - 72
- K Keane - 72
- R Ware - 72
- J Mulcahy - 73
- J Robinson Snr - 73
Nearest the Pin
- 2nd - R Burns
- 11th - W Brown
- 5th - T Hancock
- 14th - R Burns
- 9th - J Campbell
-18th - T Thomas
L Allsop - 23 putts
G Ireland - 23 putts
Mars Bar - G Platt
Wednesday 5th April 2023 - Ladies Single Stroke & Putts - WGA & Club Medals
Winner - A Grade - K Fletcher - 68
Winner - B Grade - R Clark - 74
Medal Winners
A Grade - K Fletcher
B Grade - R Clark
Ball Rundown
- J Hennessy
- R Robson
- L Gow
- J Pethers
Putting - J Hennessy - 23 putts
Nearest The Pin